Do not send more than this amount on Bizum

We use Bizum for anything but we must bear in mind that, however comfortable it may be, they are money transactions. That means we can’t do whatever we want with money, nor can we send or receive as much as we want without anything happening or having to explain ourselves. The Treasury will monitor what we do if we spend sending Bizum to anyone month after month.

Do not send more than this amount on Bizum

Bizum has its own limits and we cannot send as much money as we want or as many times as we want, but we must comply with a maximum of transfers per month and a maximum of money sent. The maximum number of transfers that we can make per month is sixty and the maximum money is 1,000 euros per shipment and a maximum received of 2,000 euros per day and up to 30 recipients.

But not only must we take this into account, but we must also know that sending or receiving a lot of money without giving explanations is not possible, as is logical. The Treasury will take this into account and you must bear in mind that absolutely all transfers will be reviewed and controlled but we will have to give explanations from a certain amount through which they will have to be declared.

Beware of the Treasury

Be careful with the Treasury whenever you do in Bizum, do not think that it is money in no man’s land that you can simply send and receive. No, each transaction is controlled and many users have already shown that the concepts are monitored or reviewed by the bank when making jokes with friends or family. But we do not have to declare the different amounts that we make for Bizum if you are going to pay for a 20-euro dinner with your friends or a 50-euro gift for a party.

Yes, we must specifically declare transactions from 9,999 euros. It is unusual for you to send a Bizum of this amount to any friend or family member and it will normally be a transfer for the purchase of something (a car, for example, or a motorcycle) so you will have to declare it specifically.

The General Tax Law specifies that we must specifically declare transactions or transfers made from 10,000 euros. We must fill in a payment form that we will download from the agency’s website and that we must complete before making said transfer, whether we want to do it online or if we want to go in person to a Treasury office.

And Bizum?

Bizum does not allow us to send so much money in a single movement but this may vary depending on the bank or depending on the changes that exist in the application but, whatever the case, you should know that you have to take the Treasury into account when you go to make a transaction like this, even with the conventional method. But also when you do any operation you must be careful. as we have said before, with the names used.

If we do not comply with it, in addition, we will face all kinds of fines that will mean up to thousands of euros of punishment.