During the last weeks there have been many rumors that pointed to a possible agreement between Apple and Hyndai. The ultimate goal of this would be to finally manufacture the long-awaited autonomous car of the Cupertino company that has been in the air for years. However, these conversations were puzzling as no details were offered. Until today, data have finally been given on the setbacks that Apple would be having with this project. We tell you the details below.
The problems between Apple and Hyundai
Reuters has recently reported new details about the situation Apple and Hyndai are in. And although we all expected good news, it seems that the Cupertino company has had different problems. Hyundai executives would now find themselves divided on whether working with Apple can be profitable or not. This is something that can be quite logical since every multinational company wants to work independently to get all the possible recognitions. Specifically, one of its directors stated the following according to the source:
We are anxious about how to do it, whether it is good to do it or not. We are not a company that makes cars for others. It’s not that working with Apple always produces great results.
Joining two companies that want to run the same project is not always a good idea. Each one has their ideas and in the end, for everything to work correctly, one of them must be imposed. The radical problem in which none of them wants to end up giving in. All this conversation is now known to have started in 2018 between Apple and Hyundai, but the fact that these two companies work together has caused many problems.
According to different reports, Apple only wants to take advantage of the final assembly factories and Hyundai. All the main components of the vehicle would be provided by the company itself and this may not convince the car brand. If you have a good memory a few weeks ago it was pointed out to the fact of producing on North American soil, specifically in the Georgia factory.
Now all these ideas are beginning to be diluted, although there is still a lot of negotiation ahead since it began as such only a month ago. Apple must know how to convince these executives who are on the side of not wanting to bet on joining with another large company to avoid being overshadowed.
It was also commented a few weeks ago that the car could be ready for the year 2024 according to a Bloomberg report. But now from Reuters they point out that production is far from being started so the entire Titan project is currently in the air. Although, we saw how one of Apple’s greatest executives ended up moving to another department to work on a new project. This could be related to the company’s autonomous car, although we will have to wait for future rumors or a possible official confirmation of agreement.