How to disable the guest mode in Google Chrome

The guest mode in Google Chrome can be used with intentions that do not interest us, such as having friends or family with access to our computer, which could use it for something which we have not allowed or do not want to do. Therefore, to hinder the possibility of doing something like this, we show you how to remove the guest mode in Chrome.

We have different options to disable the guest mode in Chrome, then we show you one of them that is through the command prompt in Windows.

Disable guest mode from the command prompt

To do this we will follow the following steps, we go to the Windows search engine, write «cmd» and execute it as administrator. We can execute it in two ways, right click “Run as administrator”, or next to it we also see the same option.

Buscar cmd

Once we have opened the console or command prompt as administrator, we will have to execute the following command:

»REG ADD HKLM / SOFTWARE / Policies / Google / Chrome / v BrowserGuestModeEnabled / t REG_DWORD / d 0»


Once this is done, we can restart the computer and restart it. We will find that this option is no longer available, but we can reactivate it as soon as we want.

Modo Invitado OFF

Thus, if we want to reactivate the guest mode, we can do it at any time just by deleting the rule we added in the previous step with the following command:

»REG DELETE HKLM / SOFTWARE / Policies / Google / Chrome / v BrowserGuestModeEnabled / f»


Once this is done and for the changes to be made correctly, we will restart the computer and see how it has changed and reappears.

Modo Invitado ON Chrome

Disable guest mode in Chrome from register

Another option with which we can disable this option is by accessing the system registry, which saves the behavior that our operating system performs and that we can modify so that it behaves or does what we indicate. In this case it will be with a program, which is Chrome and we will tell you not to show that option, for this we will have to follow the following steps:

We will press the Windows key + R and write “regedit

Iniciar ejecutar regedit

Once this is done, a new screen will appear on which we will have to go to the next route.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Policies / Google / Chrome

We can do it by opening folder by folder or by copying and pasting the path in the top bar.

Regedit, chrome

Once we are inside, we will have to create a new value, and for that, we will right click> New> DWORD Value (32bits) Nuevo valor agregar

We will have to put the following name “BrowserGuestModeEnabled”, and we open it. The value that we will have created must have the following configuration, otherwise it will not work and we will have to repeat the process again.

Mostrando el valor creado Chrome

Once this is done, we will only have to restart the device, and we will find that the “Guest mode” option does not appear. But to reactivate it, we will only have to do the same steps above until we reach the specified route where we create the value, and eliminate that value . Once that is done, the guest mode should appear again.