How to Create Your Own Quizzes with Kahoot!

kahootStudying can be a very boring and tedious process for most people. In our student stage, we have all had problems to be able to concentrate and learn with the traditional methods of study such as reading the texts repeatedly, memorizing formulas and questions to pinion, or underlining paragraphs and paragraphs full of information with the hope of summarizing things that could be said in a much more summarized way and thus occupy less information in our head.

However, we are in 2020, and thanks to the advancement of technology, we can adapt the information we have to a much more visual, intuitive and fun format. Kahoot! It is a free platform that allows the creation of evaluation questionnaires ( available in app or web version). It is a relatively well-known tool and some teachers make use of it to make learning more entertaining and thus entertain the classes. Kahoot! It takes a long time as a digital platform, but for a while, we have it in its application form and it is free in the Play Store.

Developer: Kahoot!
Price: Free

Study Playing

This application has tremendous potential if used properly, since not only teachers can access it and perform their questionnaires, but also students have the same type of access. Kahoot! It offers us different types of access to the platform: as a teacher , as a student , for work or in a social way. In this case, what interests us is to access as a student. In this way, the app offers us a huge amount of Kahoots created by other students and shared on the platform so that you can use them. Thanks to this, we can benefit from fun quiz-type questionnaires on a certain subject or subject and thus be able to learn effortlessly .

Create your own Quizzes

On the other hand, sometimes we find that there are no tests that can specifically serve us for a particular exam or test. The advantage of Kahoot !, is that we can also create our own tests (or Kahoots) completely to our liking. We can choose both the question and the possible answers , marking one as the correct and true, and the rest as false.

Taking this into account, if for example we have to study for a history test where we are going to ask a series of questions, we can ask Kahoots of all of them and instead of memorizing them, we will learn them quickly by playing those Kahoots again and again. This works even better if we have a test type test of any subject, where we already know exactly both the questions and the answers, so we only have to create the corresponding Kahoots and practice again and again until we have no fault. In this way we can learn those happy notes without any effort.

Another advantage of this great application is that we can share these tests with classmates , so that if you are in exam time and we have little time, with a little organization each classmate can create a different Kahoot and then share it with others, and vice versa. With this, we will, in addition to learning the contents of the exams and save a lot of time and effort, develop our ability to organize and work in teams .

As you can see, this application has enormous potential that not everyone uses, so if you are reading this article and you are a student or teacher, we encourage you to use this tool to be able to make learning more fun and enjoyable. our students, how important they are to create an intelligent, strong and stable society.