How to Copy Photos from a Mobile to PC via USB Connection

Our phones and computers have not gotten along very well over the years, there was a time when manufacturers offered us their own software suites to be able to physically copy data and content between both devices. Today we tell you how easy it is to copy the photos from the phone to the PC via USB connection.

This is especially useful to be able to back up photos from your mobile to your computer’s hard drive, leaving aside cloud services, where images are usually uploaded without their original quality and resolution.

copy photo to pc

First, connect the mobile to the PC

This step is obvious, but what you should do whether your mobile has a USB type C or microUSB connector is to connect this port to a standard USB of the computer, normally a USB A. Once connected you will be able to verify that both in the computer as in the mobile notifications appear that they have connected . Although in the case of the computer it will only be like this when we have activated the appropriate connectivity.

copiar fotos móvil PC

A mobile phone when connected to the PC does not always do so in the most appropriate way to be able to copy the files. In fact we can establish different types of connectivity between the two devices. In this case what you should do is go to the notifications and look for one in which the message ” USB Preferences ” appears where we must choose between these modalities.

  • File transfer
  • Share USB connection
  • MIDI
  • No data transfer
  • Charge connected device

In this case it is obvious that we must choose the ” File transfer ” function so that the computer immediately recognizes our mobile connected by USB as one more storage unit within the computer.

Copying photos from mobile to computer

Once we activate the ” File transfer ” mode, we must enter the computer’s explorer, and from there look for the drive where our phone is located. In this case we look for a unit with the name of our device. Once we press inside we can see the main storage unit of the phone . Now we are in your file system, and what we want is to copy the images to another unit of the computer, to your hard disk.

copiar fotos móvil PC

Well, in the file system you must access the ” DCIMfolder, which is where the photographs taken by the camera are stored. Inside this folder is the other called ” Camera ” which is the place where the photos that we have taken with the phone’s camera are housed. Outside this folder there are others that may belong to the camera of other different apps. Now you can copy them all to other folders on your computer so that you can have a backup that saves all the original quality and resolution of these images.