How to Configure the Mobile to Improve Netflix Quality

improve-netflix-qualityThe Netflix streaming platform offers us many hours of entertainment and fun, with many content that goes through all genres that we can imagine. Starting to watch Netflix is very simple, although we are surely not taking out all the image and sound potential that we could with our mobile phone.

The Netflix settings and configuration menu is not very intuitive and keeps certain secrets that we are going to show you, so you can adapt it. We also show you the tips you can follow with your smartphone, to take advantage of your mobile screen and speakers to not allow high contrasts, tones or audio errors to ruin your Netflix experience.

Improve image quality on Netflix

One of the most important aspects of Netflix is its image quality, which is directly associated with our subscription. According to the one we have chosen, we can see contents in different resolutions. The basic plan allows us to enjoy the platform in 480p basic resolution, while in the standard plan we have the possibility to see our contents in 1.080p (Full HD). If we want to make the jump up to 2,160p (2K) we have to hire the premium plan to enjoy UHD content.

Netflix app settings

To get the most out of our subscription, we will have to go to the Netflix application on our mobile and follow the steps we show you. First click on the lower bar on more and then on the app settings. It will take us to a new screen where as you can see a series of options appear. In case we use the download of movies, series or documentaries to watch them later on our mobile, we have to click on download quality and select high. With this we will be allowing our mobile to have the best resolution in the contents downloaded on Netflix.

Calidad imagen Netflix

For those who enjoy streaming content, we have to carry out a series of processes that go beyond. The first thing will be to check our Internet connection , to find out if it is able to offer us the quality levels that we are going to demand later and it will have to go to More> App settings> Check network and will give us a screen that will check the servers and our network to see if it is stable, preventing us from suffering problems that can decrease the quality automatically.

Comprobar red Netflix

Last but not least, let’s fly to go even further to click on a playback account and configuration section where we will be able to choose the best quality that our account allows us. By default this is automatically configured according to the mobile network or WiFi to which we are connected, but we will be able to set it to high quality forever.

Configuración imagen Netflix

Settings of our mobile

Adjusting our mobile screen is as important as doing it with the Netflix app, since both are going to affect the content we are going to see. In this case we will have to leave the Netflix application and click on the settings of our mobile. We will look for the section called screen that is found on all smartphones, regardless of the personalization layer.

Once inside the screen settings we can find certain differences, but very similar in any mobile phone. The first thing we will do is calibrate the tone of the image so that our screen offers us vivid and crisp colors. In our case the option is called intense, although we can go to the advanced options to choose in a way that suits us the configuration that we like the most. If our mobile does not have these settings, we can download an app such as Color Calibrator , which offers identical results.

Calibrar pantalla OnePlus

There are another series of options that we can modify in some mobiles to make the image more fluid, for this we have to go to the screen settings and look for video improvement, just activate it and enter any Netflix content, the colors They will improve with greater contrast and more realistic levels. The screen refresh rate is another section to consider. If we have the possibility to change this on our mobile, the higher the number of Hz, the more fluid the experience in Netflix and all apps will be.

Mejorar video móviles

Improve the audio of any content on Netflix

Within the Netflix platform we find content that without a quality sound would be less impressive. So that we can also improve our sound experience, we are going to show you the steps that you must follow so that the experience on our mobile is complete.

Application Settings

The same adjustments we make in the video section will be applied to the audio of our application, allowing us to live an improved sound experience. To configure this section and move from sounds in 192 Kb / s to sound in 640 Kb / s we have to do some simple steps that we already saw and although they are not indicated by this name, they offer us this audio quality.

Calidad audio Netflix

First we have to click on More> Account> Playback settings and we can see the options before, although in the image we show you the jump in sound quality that you will get when changing from Low to High quality.

Settings of our mobile

To end by improving the sound of our mobile, we can go to the settings of this and take full advantage of everything it offers us. To do this we just have to click on settings and look for the sound option, then we will look for the equalizer or way to customize it to our liking. In our case it is through Dolby Atmos , an audio standard integrated in OnePlus and Huawei sound settings among other manufacturers, which gives us the option to choose between dynamic, movie or music and since it is Netflix, the most appropriate will be film .

Configurar sonido OnePlus

Even so, we have the possibility of improving the sound even more with a simple equalizer that we can download on Google Play, its name is Flat Equalizer and without too much sound knowledge we can try to adapt it to our needs. In its different options we find adapted modes, which can be very interesting in certain Netflix series or specific movies. Through trial and error with a background song, we will move its parameters until we find the one that best suits what we are looking for.

Mejorar sonido netflix

These options take greater effect if we use the headphones, an essential accessory to concentrate on what we are watching on Netflix without anyone bothering us, especially after how much we have worked to improve the image and sound of Netflix.