Chrome is Going to Modify Caching to Be More Private

There are two fundamental factors for any Internet user: privacy and security. It is when using a browser, visiting web pages, logging into services and platforms, when our data can be most at risk. Therefore, it is very important to take into account certain characteristics that help us protect ourselves. We echo in this article how Chrome is going to change your browser’s caching to avoid spying and be more secure.

Chrome changes caching to improve security

There is no doubt that Google Chrome is today the most popular and used browser among the Spanish. It is available on a wide range of operating systems and devices. This means that when a problem arises, or as it is in this case an improvement, it can affect many users.

Chrome is Going to Modify Caching

Now from Google Chrome they have decided to implement a change in the caching of their browser. The goal is to improve the privacy and security of the end user. Note that web browsers use a cache by default to load previously accessed files more quickly when requested in the future. This makes loading a website go faster.

What caching does is save a resource, an image, for example, along with its full URL as a key to be identified. But of course, although this in order to improve speed is positive, it also has problems or risks in terms of privacy. A site could use that mechanism to see if we have previously visited its page. There is also tracking or even attacks.

Bloqueo en las descargas de Chrome

Changes to make the cache more private

Now Chrome is going to improve this. Those responsible for security have come up with a formula in which they divide and isolate that cache . The idea is instead of saving a resource with just its full URL, add two more bits of data to the stored information. Chrome will save the top-level site and the current frame site along with the full URL of the cached resource. The browser uses the information to determine whether or not it should serve resources from the cache.

In case the request comes from the original top-level site, Chrome will load the cached resource regardless of whether it is requested directly or via an iframe. Caching rules ignore ports and subdomains. When an unrelated site requests the file, Chrome will load it from the server and not from the cache.

Google plans to add this new feature to Chrome 86 gradually. It will reach users little by little.

Ultimately, Chrome seeks to once again improve the security and privacy of users. We already know that both the cache and the cookies are very present and not always in a positive way. We leave you an article where we talk about Cookie Quick Manager, an extension to manage Cookies from the browser.