How to Choose the 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz Band of the Mobile Wifi Zone

The Wifi zone of our phones is one of the best functions they offer to be able to take full advantage of our mobile data voucher. With this area our phones become a real router, and as such, we can also choose which band it will work in when active, 2.4GHz or 5GHz , so you can do it.

How to Choose the 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz Band of the Mobile Wifi Zone

Choosing one band or another for the WiFi network of our phone has its implications, and logically we not only tell you how to choose one band or another, but we also tell you how the network we create can improve this.

How to choose a 2.4GHz or 5GHz band?

When we create a Wifi zone, we usually worry about choosing its name, password and little else, because the reality is that with that we already have a fully functional mobile Wifi network. But there are other adjustments that we can carry out when we are configuring the mobile Wifi network, even after it has been created. For this we must go to the settings of our phone, to the same place where we create and configure the Wifi network .

banda zona wifi móvil

Although we already warned you that this is a setting that is not available on all mobiles, and it depends a lot on the Android version , we have tested it on Android 10 in its One version. If it is available, you have to do it the next:

  • Enter the phone settings
  • Select “Networks and Internet”
  • Click on “Wifi Zone” or similar
  • Select “Access Point Band”

Now pressing this button we will see two options, choose the 2.4GHz band or the 5GHz band . With this setting the type of network will be different, and we can select it not only when creating the network, but also after it has been created.

banda zona wifi móvil

Why choose a different band?

Without going into very technical details, the difference of choosing one band and another is important in two basic aspects of the connection. In the case of choosing the 2.4GHz , which is the most common, we will have a greater signal range , so it will be ideal for those cases in which we are away from the phone.

In the case of wanting more connection speed , but sacrificing the signal range, it is best to choose the 5GHz band . Therefore, the choice of one band or another depends on your needs and the circumstances in which you create and use the networks. Also in the case of 5Ghz there are fewer compatible devices, we are not talking about mobile phones, but others where this connectivity is not so common.