This small change will keep your router from getting hot

One of the problems that can most affect our router is overheating. This mainly happens in summer, when it is hotter, but it is something that can affect you at any time. Normally this happens if we make certain mistakes when installing the device. Therefore, in this article we are going to explain what you should do to prevent the router from overheating. A small change that can make your connection work better, without interruptions.

Prevent the router from overheating

keep your router from getting hot

If the router gets hot, something you can notice is that the connection has micro-cuts. Also , the device may even stop working and you have to turn it off and on again. This was more common before, when we used ADSL routers that were less powerful and more sensitive to this type of problem. But this does not mean that now it cannot happen.

What can we do so that the router does not heat up? The main change is in the location . The idea is to let the device “breathe”. Do you have it in a covered place, surrounded by other devices, books or anything that could affect it? Ideally, you should avoid that. Try to make it separate from the surface where it is, such as a table.

For this you can put some support underneath. A classic, and one that works very well in these cases, is simply to put four bottle caps, one in each corner, and make the device slightly higher. That will subtract temperature, but it is not the only thing you should do.

Another step is to remove everything that is close to you. You should especially eliminate other devices that can give off heat. For example, if you have it near the television, you should move it away. These types of devices can cause the temperature of the router to increase and gradually lose useful life.

Cuándo resetear router

What to do if the router still gets hot

You may have gotten this far, made those little changes, and your router is still overheating. In that case you will have to take certain measures. One of them is to use a small fan to cool the device. This will undoubtedly make it better maintain the temperature and avoid problems.

You can connect these additional devices directly to the device, if it has an integrated USB port, or to a computer or charger. It is basically a support, like the one you can put on a laptop, that will start moving the air and cooling the base of the router, to prevent it from accumulating heat. There are many uses for the router’s USB port and this is one of them.

You can also try to keep it clean. In many cases the heat comes from the accumulation of dust, since this can obstruct the fans that the device has. Prevent it from accumulating dust and dirt, in the same way that you would on a laptop, for example.

In short, as you can see, the router can get hot under certain circumstances. Making a small change such as raising the device a little from the surface and removing anything that could harm it will maintain the temperature and prevent it from overheating.