How to Change Voice to Another Language with Google Translate

We have been used to that feminine voice that has translated the words we inserted into another language for years. Now, it may be our voice that takes center stage in Google Translate, since it is possible to transcribe our voice so that it is heard in another language.

It is a function that has been implemented recently on the Android platform, since the last updates of the app. Therefore, we are going to explain how to activate this tool and make the most of it.

google translate

How does this transcript work?

The truth is that there was already a tool that fulfilled this need, although independently of the translator, with an app known as ‘Instant Transcription’. It really is an idea imported from the Google Pixel , which have this transcription but in a more limited way since it was not possible to change languages.

Now it is possible, and also in a very comfortable way, just as we change languages to translate texts as we have always done. What we can do, from Google Translate, is to instantly transcribe our voice and translate it into the language that we have previously chosen . It is designed to perform at events, conferences or conversations with inhabitants of other countries.

Everything works through Google’s Artificial Intelligence , with a motor that receives all the information from the environment and detects by audio intensity, so that if our voice is close to the device, it will describe our words more or less accurately.

Activate Google Translate transcription

It is easier to do it than to explain it. The only requirement is to have the app installed on the smartphone, from there we can proceed to a first test of this tool. Then we go to the “Transcribe” section where the menu to transcribe will appear, although before we must grant the app permissions to access the microphone. transcribir voz traductor de google prueba

At the top will appear the source language, in this case Spanish, although it can be modified in the small tab that appears next to it. Also at the top of the panel is the language into which the text will be translated. The translator has an automatic mode, which detects the language by itself, but we recommend setting it manually to avoid errors. Once configured, we can now speak to the terminal.

It also performs the process in reverse

It not only translates what we say into other languages, but transcribes all the information we receive in a language that we do not master, to ours. In other words, it transcribes what people want to tell us in their language , and if we don’t understand it, the app translates it.

Price: Free

To achieve this, we invert the input and output languages within the same menu that we have discussed in the previous section, so that the translator transfers it to our language and not vice versa, as was the case in the other case.