What are Call of Duty: Mobile Perks and how are they used?

Call of Duty: Mobile is probably the best mobile shooter you can find. The reputation of the Activision saga is no wonder, as it has always managed to obtain good numbers wherever it goes. But his works are always full of elements that if you don’t understand them, you will hardly be able to stand up to the enemy.

One of them are the Perks or also known as advantages . A term that if you have played the original installments you will already know in advance. These provide different benefits in battle that can help you get out of the firefight, but it is not that simple, since we can find different types and we cannot choose them randomly.

Call of Duty: Mobile Perks

The purpose of the Perks is to enhance our combat style and provide the player with an active advantage that guarantees superiority, although the enemies will also have them equipped. It all depends on which ones we choose depending on the game mode, the map and the way we play.

Perks classes

Since the inception of multiplayer in the Call of Duty saga, the advantages have been structured in the same way. These are divided into three sections of various colors . Specifically: red, green and blue. This division is not related to the bonuses that you will find inside, that is, there is nothing that links each Perk to a particular section. In more detail, in each of them you can choose between the following skills:

Red advantages:

  • Fast recovery
  • Persistence
  • Bomb suit
  • Agile Stalker
  • Light weight

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Green advantages

  • Scavenger
  • Hardness
  • Tracker
  • Ghost
  • Ruthless
  • Innate Ability
  • Quick solution

Blue perks

  • Hard line
  • Deadly silence
  • Engineer
  • Shrapnel
  • Tactical mask
  • Alert
  • Demolition Expert

Recommendation and how they are used

Now that you know all the types of Perks that exist in Call of Duty: Mobile, it is time for you to know how they work. The first thing you should know is that you can only choose one from each section without the possibility of combining two of it and choose only one from any other section. This means being careful when making your decision, but don’t take it too seriously. Just focus on how you usually play and which of them would get the most out of your style. If you have been thinking for a long time and you have not made up your mind yet, we are going to give you a glove.

A combination that always more than delivers is really simple. This is not based on enhancing a style, but rather on improving your game in general. For example, you can use quick recovery to regenerate your health 35% faster after being involved in combat. This will give you a clear advantage against the enemy, who has not yet fully recovered.

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In the green section you can opt for scavenger , which will guarantee you practically infinite ammunition, since when you go over a corpse you will collect a large number of bullets. This will help you avoid having to search for a gun off the ground when ammo runs out.

Finally, when it comes to the blue advantages you can make use of the hard line . Basically, because it multiplies the points obtained by defeating opponents, which will not only benefit you when it comes to getting points streaks more quickly, but also to obtain a greater number of experience points. Ready, you are ready to sweep in Call of Duty: Mobile.