App Store Security: Guidelines for Approving Apps

Downloading applications is one of the most common tasks we perform on our devices. But obviously in the App Store a safe environment must be maintained so that we can always enjoy the best possible experience. In this article we tell you everything you need to know about the security of the App Store and all the criteria that are followed.

Guidelines for publishing on the App Store

In order for an application to be published in the App Store, it must go through a series of controls. Apple always guarantees security to obtain an adequate experience. They emphasize that there are many children who download many applications on a regular basis, and although there are parental controls, you cannot let your guard down. Also from Apple they point out that they respect the vast majority of points of view and opinion as long as they are respectful. Any application that is not respectful or that is simply not prepared for a large group of people will never see the light in the App Store.

App Store Security: Guidelines for Approving Apps


Apple is tasked with ensuring that users when they download one of the apps from the App Store are going to be totally comfortable and not feel offensive. This is why many points are reviewed within this section in order to guarantee security.

One of the points to review is the objectionable content . Applications must in no case include offensive or insensitive content that is intended to offend. Among the examples that Apple gives of unacceptable behaviors in this regard, the following is highlighted:

  • Defamatory content that may violate the rights of humanity. No offensive comments about religion, race or sexual condition can be made except for political comedians.
  • The representation of dead animals or people is totally prohibited or that their violence is encouraged in any way.
  • Incitement to the use of weapons is prohibited.
  • Explicit descriptions of sexual activities cannot be made to stimulate erotic feelings.
  • Applications that have a completely false purpose are prohibited. There are some apps that promise to track location, in a humorous context, but Apple won’t tolerate it.

App Store

The category of children is one of the most complicated that can exist, because although it allows finding similar applications to the smallest, it is quite a challenge for developers. Apple guarantees that links to third-party applications or facilities are not included in the payment of microtransactions . In order to guarantee privacy policies, we cannot collect data on children’s activity online for commercial purposes.

If the application contains user-generated content, you should always include a method to filter out unpleasant material and a system to report abusive behavior. In history, some apps have not passed this filter due to their uncontrollable content, such as Chatroulette due to their pornographic content.

Apple also puts a lot of effort into those applications that can incite risks to health. These applications include those for medical purposes that give inaccurate information and that could undermine the safety of users. There are some apps in this sense that can be totally disabled if they promise taking X-rays or temperature since it is impossible. Also of special interest are medication dose calculators or apps that promote the consumption of tobacco or vaping products that are totally prohibited.


Performance is an extremely important aspect within the apps of the App Store. That is why apps are always asked to be fully finished when sent with functional URLs. In the event that a URL does not work correctly or it is appreciated that the developer has not tested the app, it can be rejected at the moment. If it is an unfinished application, it is always remembered that betas go through TestFlight . The App Store will never integrate an application that is not polished or remains in beta. In the case of integrated purchases, the objective they have without packages that do not make sense must always be well specified and explained.

When downloading an application we always look at the description and also at the screenshots. An exhaustive revision is made so that the screenshots always show the real functions of the application. In order to correctly align the application, a question test is included to be able to correctly configure the parental controls. Different warnings such as violence should be included here.

To ensure performance, iPhone applications are always asked to work on iPad as well, for the most positive experience possible. Applications must ensure good use of energy to avoid damaging devices. If excessive heat is generated or puts unnecessary pressure on processor resources, you can choose to reject this application.

App Store Logo

In order to avoid security problems, apps in both the App Store and the Mac App Store cannot encourage you to disable security features or WiFi itself. In the case of macOS, apps should be prevented from starting automatically without the express authorization of the user or the implementation of an anti-copy system of their own. To improve performance, the use of obsolete technologies is restricted in order to launch executable files such as Java or Rosetta.


Monetizing apps is the way developers have to earn a salary at the end of the month. One of the most common resources to accomplish this task is microtransactions. From Apple remember that they can always be included if they are well specified and it is an integrated method in the App Store. It is totally forbidden to block functions of the operating system in order to obtain an economic revenue. You should always block the app’s own options on a premium service. Subscriptions is another option that Apple includes but with different conditions:

  • Subscriptions must work on all user devices where the app is available.
  • Applications should not compel users to rate them in order to use them.
  • In the event that you switch to a subscription model, users who have already paid for an application will not be required to do so.
  • The scam is totally prohibited to users with these purchases.

The advertising found in the apps must be totally age appropriate. Obviously these ads must be completely respectful and in no case use compromised data such as medical or children’s.

The unacceptable behaviors that the App Store does not admit are the following:

  • Integrate your own application store.
  • Artificially increase the number of clicks on ads.
  • Applications seeking to raise funds must be completely free.
  • Restrict who can use the application.
  • Artificially manipulate visibility.
  • Applications should not compel users to rate them.

App Store


Design is a very important component for a user to decide to download an application. This is why it is recalled that imitation of the design of another application is totally prohibited since this infringes the intellectual property of other developers. The App Store imposes the need for a clear interface that goes beyond a repackaged website. Lasting entertainment value must always be guaranteed in order for it to be accepted. The points to consider in this regard are the following:

  • Applications should not be marketing materials, ads, web clippings, or content aggregators.
  • The app must work independently without requiring another app.
  • The size of additional downloads should always be public.
  • Apple Watch apps that are very similar in design to a dial should always be avoided.
  • Any application developed from a commercial template will always be rejected. You should always try to guarantee originality and not use application generation services.
  • You should avoid creating multiple package IDs from the same application. You always have to send a single app to Apple, which may have variations through in-app purchases.

In the event that your application is based mainly on the stickers to be able to offer a suitable form of expression within the conversations. But it must always be understood that these stickers cannot violate local legislation or attempt against the feelings of any group. All the stickers you are going to use must always be registered so that you always enjoy the copyright.

Applications can use the ‘Log in with Apple’ feature to authenticate the user’s primary account. But not in all cases it makes sense, since in the following situations it is not necessary to use:

  • The application uses company sixon startup.
  • The application is educational.
  • A citizen identification or electronic identification system is used.


Apple’s commitment to user privacy is clearly seen with policies that require developers to follow. Guidelines for developers to follow include publishing a clear privacy policy that lets users know what is being done with your data. The type of data collection and storage must be expressed at all times. In any case, the sale of this information is prohibited as well as the creation of databases with personal information of the users unless you have the explicit permission of the user.

Some applications do a fairly sensitive data collection such as health data. In this case, the applications cannot disclose the health data collected to third parties and if it is a study, the users’ consent must always be obtained.

During the review process there are many problems regarding gambling and lotteries. In order to clarify the review, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. Sweepstakes and contests must be sponsored by the developer.
  2. The rules of the draw must be within the application.
  3. In the case of developing real money betting games, you must always have the legal permits of each of the countries. In the case of a totally false and without guarantees draw, it will not be part of the App Store.

App Store iOS

Review process

Once all the standards have been reviewed, the developer can submit their application and this is where the filters begin to pass that guarantee that a quality and safe application reaches users. A team inside Apple thoroughly reviews both the app and the metadata on App Store Connect, the proprietary shipping service. App Review examines the application as soon as possible and everything will depend on the complexity of the app. It is possible that if you are very at the limit of some previously mentioned criteria, they should review for a longer time.

This personal and individualized review that Apple has makes that users have the security of using a completely safe app, although sometimes they have had some mistake. The negative point is that some updates may take much longer to arrive or that the App Store does not have the same richness as the Play Store where there are far fewer filters. But it is always better to have few applications and of quality than many and without any type of control.

From Apple they recognize that a week a total of one hundred thousand applications and updates are reviewed and 60% are approved. The rest that don’t pass the filter is mainly due to minor bugs and privacy issues.

Applications removed from the App Store

Many applications have been removed from the App Store for breaching the guidelines in the update process. These include some from China such as Sogou or Pinduodo that acted as an alternative to Google in a country where its use is totally prohibited. Also the applications that are dedicated to blocking ads such as AdBlock have run into a negative in the App Store. Always be careful with the guidelines, which vary, and remember that the reviews do not end at the official launch but are also present in the different updates.

Apple, for example, acted against an application of the Saudi Arabian government whose function was to control the location of women in the country. This obviously violates the privacy of human beings and is also totally degrading. That is why an application that was official of a government was withdrawn from the App Store after this review by Apple.