AirPods Volume Too Low? Here’s How to Restore It

Do you know that if your AirPods sound appears missing its original loudness, you aren’t alone? Some volume loss will happen over time, but there are a few ways you can regain it without dropping some serious cash into the bedside trial.

AirPods Volume Too Low

1. Why Your AirPods Sound Quieter

Over time, AirPods can sound quieter for a few reasons:

  • Wear and Tear: But regular use degrades the battery, and can have diminishing effects on both sound quality and volume. Alas, this is for the most part irreversible.
  • Dirt and Earwax Build-Up: Dirt and wax that block your speaker mesh is the most common and easily fixable cause of diminished sound.

Battery wear is normal, and a good cleaning can help you get your AirPods’ volume back.

2. Clean Your AirPods and Improve its Sound

If they aren’t looking dirty, AirPods collect dirt and wax. The build up creates a muffling barrier. Here’s how to clean them effectively:

  • Use a Cleaning Kit: Sites like Amazon even have AirPod cleaning kits to help speed up the process of clearing out dirt. Specialized tools for delicate areas come with them to safely clean without damaging.
  • DIY Cleaning: You can also do without a cleaning kit if you don’t want to purchase one; then:
    • Carefully removing wax from the mesh with a toothpick.
    • A soft tooth brush to clean whatever remains.
    • A little rubbing alcohol on a microfiber floppy like a compress to disinfect and clean.

This makes an enormous difference, at least some of the sound clarity and volume returns.

3. Consider Simple Volume Hacks

Once you’ve cleaned your AirPods, there are a few more adjustments you can try to maximize their sound:

  • Adjust Volume Settings: To check, go to your device’s settings to see if there’s a limit set on the volume so that sounds may not be outputting.
  • Enable Sound Check (iOS): The normalization feature can make sound volumes consistent all throughout your music.

In this case, these small tweaks could help squeezing out the maximum from these older AirPods.


Yes, some volume loss is to be expected as AirPods age, but regular cleaning and make some small adjustments can dramatically improve the sound quality. If you follow these simple steps, you can keep your AirPods sounding better longer without needing to replace them.