Advantages and Disadvantages of Files in the Cloud for Mobile

Advantages and Disadvantages of Files in the Cloud

With the evolution of technology and especially mobile phones, we have found ourselves faced with the situation of having to decide where we prefer to store our files . Both the photos, the videos or the documents have to go somewhere and we have the decision.

This selection process has to be related to the uses that each user makes, that is why we help you to ask yourself various questions that will lead you to find the best option. We hope that after knowing what we gain and lose with each method, you will find your ideal solution.

The best and worst of using the cloud on mobile

There are many reasons to think about the technology of tomorrow that is present today. However, the exponents of today are not far behind and make the cloud seem too complex for most users and that it does not offer the points in favor that we need.

Mobile files on other devices

Among the things that can make us choose to use internet-based memory, there is of course the possibilities it offers to have everything we need, when we need it. In this way, we do not have to have our mobile phone, tablet or computer with us, but only with a WiFi or mobile data network , we will be able to access that photo we want.

Always safe

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Security has become another of the best exponents of files in the cloud, because there they are free of viruses or attacks that our smartphone may suffer. The large companies that offer online services have managed to offer a peace of mind that no mobile operating system had been able to give us. Although the files are not always on our mobile, they are better protected.

We need to checkout

The first thing that is important to consider is that the services that they offer us to store files in the cloud make us scratch our pockets once we have completed the free space. The price will depend on the various options that exist, but in all cases it will mean an added cost on a monthly or annual basis that not everyone is willing to bear.

The annoying waiting times

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Although the arrival of 5G to mobile phones has become very important for us to take advantage of the “Cloud” or the internet of things, there are still certain limitations in many areas of Spain. For now, 4G does not offer instant access to all the elements that we have stored in the cloud and we have to have some patience so that they are loaded or downloaded on the mobile. The same goes for some WiFi connections that are not as fast as we would like.

We will need more megabytes

Since we are going to base the use of the memory of our smartphone on the internet, we require a better qualified rate. This will also translate into a higher cost, causing us to inevitably have to go through the checkout, increasing more and more the space contracted.

Traditional physical memory has a lot to say

As much as everything is focused on evolving and on the Internet, there are reasons to prefer to stay in the traditional physical memories on mobile phones, in the same way that we are going to find the opposite. We review everything that we can prefer to use physical memories.

Files load instantly

There is no doubt that the main reason we prefer to use physical memories on smartphones is because there are no waiting times . Everything is within our reach by simply touching the screen, thus avoiding coverage or speed problems. An instant way to enjoy what we want.

Sending files slow

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Quite the opposite will happen to us if we have to share files and here we do depend on the network again. It does not happen in small photos, but it can lead us to problems not having the files in the cloud if we work with the mobile, tablet or computer in a desynchronous way. That will mean that somehow we will have to share all the data and we do not think that you are going to do it by fax today.

Possible security issues

In the same way that in the cloud we had some peace of mind, with all the important files stored on the mobile we will have some fear. We have encountered many security flaws in Android and iOS that show us that at any moment an encrypted SMS or file can make our data correct a certain danger and that is why it is difficult to trust physical memories. In addition, we have the possibility that someone is done with our mobile and in one way or another, even with the MicroSD can get hold of our memories.

The problem of changing mobile

One of the great and least liked jobs in technology is moving all the photos and files from one mobile to another. The most basic backup copies do not offer this advantage and therefore if we keep our files on the mobile and the physical memory, we will have to pass everything back to the next one we have. A task that can take us several minutes, confined that there are no errors in the process.

We need more memory

As when resorting to online storage we had to pay to be able to use it after the free plan, in smartphones that use everything in physical memory, we will need more complete options. This is what has caused 64 GB to be a small thing for many, having to make the jump to 128 GB, 256 GB or even 512 GB of storage.

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This increase in memory also involves a cost, although it is not monthly as in the cloud. If at any time we need more memory, we will only have the option of using a MicroSD, which in addition to costing us money, favors the slowness of the smartphone.

Which option is better?

Now that we have known all the good and bad of physical and digital memories, it is time to draw conclusions. Of course, all this will depend on each one and the use that we make of it as users, but we will try to help you with the reflections to find the solution.

The first thing to assess is the cost of smartphones with more storage compared to the cost of the cloud. In most cases, opting for a larger physical memory will be cheaper than paying for the cloud for 1 year, but nevertheless it will mean that you will have to give it time when you change your mobile again. The cloud will also make us consume more internet data and that we withdraw more megabytes in the rate, although we will not have the aforementioned advantages.

Therefore, from our opinion the ideal currently is to seek balance . There are certain files that must be on the mobile, but nevertheless everything that has to do with work can be in the cloud to access it when we need it.