How to Add a Link in the TikTok Bio and Increase Traffic

In the same way that it happens with other networks such as Instagram, in TikTok you can also add a link in your biography with which you can increase the traffic of your other projects or main project if you use the popular platform to gain visibility. So we are going to tell you how to do it and what you should take into account.

Bio on TikTok, why adding a link is interesting

There are several reasons for adding a link to your TikTok bio . For example, so that they can get to know you a little more if you have a personal blog page where you tell who you are, what you do, etc. Also because it can be interesting if through said link they can reach other platforms where you share in a more elaborate or extended way what you show on TikTok based on short videos.

Add a Link in the TikTok Bio and Increase Traffic

In general, because if you get a certain impact within the platform, you will have the possibility of increasing the traffic of other projects in which you are involved or that are the main basis of your activity at a professional level. For example, the website of your company or physical business so that they can find out more about it.

In addition, doing this by adding a link so that whoever enters your profile can continue to know you or access that additional information that you provide is something that has been done forever and on practically all platforms. So there is nothing wrong with doing it on TikTok too, much less now that the option has been enabled for everyone. Because until not long ago it was something that was limited, although it did not make much sense to do so.

How to add a link to your TikTok bio

Adding a link to your biography so that when another user accesses your profile they can see it should be something simple and to a certain extent it is, but you have to take the odd previous step to achieve it. So let’s go point by point looking at everything you need to do to achieve it and some other details or additional advice.

To begin with, the link that you can add in TikTok will appear in your profile in bold and when a user taps on it or clicks if they access the web, they will be redirected to that web. So it can come to suppose important advantages if it is had.

Therefore, in order to add this link, the first thing to do is change the type of account you have and transfer it to an account or business profile (Business). This is something as simple to do as you can read below:

  1. Access your profile by touching the Yo icon that you will see at the bottom of the TikTok interface
  2. Now tap on the three-dot icon in the upper right corner
  3. Go to Manage account
  4. Tap on Switch to Pro account
  5. On the next screen you can select if you want an author or company profile
  6. Select Company that is the one that interests in this case
  7. Accept and go

Now that you have the company account, the next step is to return to the profile to edit it. So when you click on Edit profile you will see that a new option appears to fill in that gives you the option to add a web address of your company.

Ready, you no longer have to do anything other than add the URL to that web page, YouTube channel or any other internet web address that you are interested in promoting or giving visibility thanks to your activity on TikTok.

Advantages and disadvantages of the TikTok Business account

Although the possibility of adding this type of clickable link in TikTok may be very interesting for you for many reasons, you should also know that making this change implies accepting a series of limitations regarding the personal account or creators.

If in your case this does not pose any kind of problem, go ahead. Make the change and start enjoying the advantages it adds, but first you will ask yourself what are the differences that are generated.

At the level of advantages are issues such as being able to add a web address, tools with which to better measure the impact of your publications, etc. But there are also drawbacks and the main one of all of them is that you will no longer be able to use each and every one of the sound effects included in the network.

This is due to the copyright limitation that exists. As TikTok does not have the licenses to be able to explore these sounds for commercial purposes, they have to restrict the use. So if you add any of these contents you will see that an indication appears where they tell you that you cannot use it or use it in case it is a song.

The solution to this is to hire an online music service such as Epidemic, Artlist, Music Bed, etc., to be able to download and use their songs and even video effects in your videos. Which can be interesting to differentiate yourself when publishing original things, but also counterproductive if it prevents you from entering the viral content of the moment.

Interesting websites to add to your TikTok bio

If you are not very clear about which website to add to your TikTok profile , because you do not have a mother page such as the official website of a company, a good option is to make use of some services that then allow you to link from these websites that create to others .

For example, these services are some that are used a lot on Instagram and that are also perfectly valid for TikTok:

Although most of these websites are very similar, you will have to see and decide which one might interest you the most depending on what you hope to achieve or want to do. But again remember these are ideas, you can actually use any web address.