5G Can Expose Old Vulnerabilities

5G is the technology that will be present in our day to day during the next decade. It is a reality that we increasingly navigate from mobile devices. In this sense we have a wide range of possibilities. Internet speed, quality and coverage have greatly improved in recent times.

Now thanks to this new technology everything will improve even more. However, for many, security will not be what it should. Today we echo a story that alerts about the old vulnerabilities that will be present with 5G .

5G will have old vulnerabilities

It is certainly the technology that many users expect in their mobile devices . It will bring a substantial improvement in speed, quality and possibilities when surfing the net.

Gradually it is being installed in more places, as well as more compatible devices. However, much remains to be done until it reaches a large part of the population.

Since its inception, security has been in debate. Many computer security experts have been finding certain bugs and errors. Many of them, logically, have been corrected.

But today we have to echo a piece of news that informs about how certain old vulnerabilities will be present in 5G. This will cause security problems in this technology.


Positive Technologies is behind this report. They consider an error the fact that 5G is not going to be affected by vulnerabilities that were present even in 3G.

According to Dimitry Kurbatov, CEO of Positive Technologies , the key point to keep in mind is that 5G will work alongside other mobile networks, and that means risk.

He believes that this dependence on legacy networks can be exploited by hackers to exploit protocols that may be vulnerable. That is, an attack on the 5G network can begin due to old vulnerabilities in the 3G network.

For computer security experts we cannot have a totally secure 5G network while there are old vulnerabilities. This means that it will be necessary to correct faults in 3G networks in order to navigate with total security today.

Vulnerabilities beyond inherited

But beyond inherited vulnerabilities , those that are present in older networks such as 2G or 3G, 5G will also bring a complex system that poses its own risk. Especially it will be the devices of what is known as the Internet of Things that will be most affected.

There will be many security risks that we must take care to always keep the equipment in good condition and preserve privacy.

The 5G will bring substantial improvements in the use of IoT devices . However for experts this will also pose a greater security risk. Extreme precautions must be taken when using these types of devices and not taking risks that jeopardize security and privacy.