The 5 infallible tricks to make your Smart TV last longer

Although there are many users who do not pay attention to all the details when buying a specific device, the truth is that when we are going to buy a Smart TV we must be clear that it is not a device we would have to choose at random. Before finalizing the purchase, yours is to make a preliminary analysis of the televisions on the market, taking into account their characteristics, price and type of panel, among other aspects. However, like any electronic device, it has a useful life, which we can extend with these 5 infallible tricks.

tricks to make your Smart TV last longer

Over the years, the life of televisions has been lengthening. The most recent models of Smart TVs available on the market have a useful life of between 60,000 hours or 100,000 hours of operation, depending on the model and brand. However, you can always improve the useful life of a Smart TV if we follow a series of tips to increase its duration.

Turn off the TV when you don’t watch it

One of the first tricks to make the TV last longer , although it sounds quite obvious, is to turn off the device when we are not watching or using it. And it is that, you would be surprised how many hours the television is on without us paying attention to it. Simply leaving it on for endless hours can cause overheating and shorten the life of the screen.

Trucos Smart TV

Luckily, there are already many Smart TV models that have built-in functions as standard that will help us maintain the television beyond its useful life and reduce energy consumption . Even features that make the TV turn off automatically.

Also, as an extra, it will be important to completely disconnect the television from the light if you want your Smart TV to last longer. Although, you will not always have to do it, only when there are storms or you go on a trip, so you will avoid possible power surges. But, if in your case you use a surge protector or a voltage regulator, the truth is that you will not have to worry about random damage from high power spikes.

Choose your location well

Another of the different aspects that not everyone takes into account, but that, without a doubt, can affect the longevity of a Smart TV is the place where we place the television. Plus, it’s always one of the biggest decisions, and rightly so, it’s already going to be where it’s going to be every day until we switch devices.

For this reason, it is advisable to install the Smart TV on a wall mount. First, we will have to check that the wall where we want to anchor it is resistant and that no pipe or any other factor passes through. And if we decide to place it in the classic TV cabinet, we must bear in mind that the screens are sensitive to shock and physical pressure. More than anything, because forceful pressure can displace the liquid on the screen and damage the internal panel.

mesa Smart TV

In any case, it will always be necessary to avoid placing the Smart TV in front of a window that exposes it to sunlight, since it can heat up, damaging part of its components. And the location we choose should be a cool and ventilated place, avoiding humid areas .

Beware of the ventilation system

We have already told you about the location, but we cannot forget that, under no circumstances, we must cover the ventilation system of the television . Like the rest of the devices, these also have a system that prevents the Smart TV from overheating.

Therefore, if we cover it, we will cause many problems to the device. For this reason, if you have decided to put it on the wall, the ideal is that it has a separation of between 5 to 10 cm between the TV and the wall . This is why you have to be careful with fixed supports, since, in many cases, they do not separate the device enough.

Correctly clean the Smart TV

Cleaning a Smart TV is important and must be done frequently to avoid the accumulation of dust and stains. However, to carry out correct cleaning, the use of chemical products such as aerosols, disinfectants or chlorine, among other products, should be avoided , since they can damage the materials.

To do this, the ideal will be to have a good microfiber cloth on hand and slightly moisten it. Although, we can also find special screen sprays that will help us completely clean the TV panel without damaging it.

limpieza Smart TV

Set the brightness and contrast levels well

In addition to the previous tricks that we cannot forget to increase the useful life of a television , correctly configuring the brightness and contrast levels of these devices will be essential for the Smart TV to last longer.

Keep in mind that the higher you have both contrast and brightness levels set, the more power the device will use. And not only this, but over time, this will reduce the life of the television. It can even cause burns or smudges on the TV screen , especially with high brightness all the time.