4 ways to remove vocals from a song

Have you ever been curious about how to isolate the voice or instruments in a song? Sometimes we stumble upon songs that we would like to use in our own projects, but the presence of vocals or instruments can pose a challenge. Fortunately, there are several techniques and tools available to help us separate the different elements of the audio. Here’s how you can achieve this using these helpful tricks.

This technique is frequently utilized by DJs, as they can use the instrumental track to create an instrumental version or a remix by separating the audio elements. It’s also commonly used by singers who want to practice a song, as removing the vocals allows them to focus on their own vocal performance.

remove vocals from song

Music producers also frequently use this technique to analyze the production of a song and better understand how the audio elements have been mixed. By separating the elements, you can hear each component of the mix more clearly and apply these techniques to your own work. So, regardless of your purpose, we’ll show you various methods to accomplish this.

Vocal Remover

Vocal Remover is a software tool that can help separate vocals from music in a song, leaving only the instrumental track. It’s commonly used by DJs, music producers, and singers looking to practice a song.

This process is based on the technique of filtering frequencies, where the tool filters out higher frequencies which typically contain the human voice, leaving behind the instrumental track. However, this process isn’t always accurate as instruments can also have high frequency harmonics that may be mistaken for voice, leading to unsatisfactory results.

The quality of the resulting instrumental track also depends heavily on the quality of the original recording. If the vocals and instruments are mixed too closely together or if the recording quality is poor, the end result may not be optimal.

vowel remove


LALAL.AI is an AI-powered online tool that allows singers, musicians, producers, and DJs to separate vocals and music in a song with ease. It provides a simple process for splitting the voice and music tracks by uploading the audio file. Once separated, users can download the tracks and edit them in their preferred audio editing software.

The accuracy of the results from LALAL.AI may vary based on the quality of the original recording and the complexity of the song. However, it is most effective for songs with a clearer mix and fewer layers of instruments and effects. Despite this limitation, LALAL.AI can still be used as a solid foundation for track separation, which can help save time and effort in post-production.

Furthermore, users can adjust the amount of voice and music on each track to obtain more precise and personalized results. The tool is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, making it convenient and easy to use without requiring any special software or advanced technical skills.



Splitter is a cutting-edge artificial intelligence tool that is designed to separate vocals and instruments from a song with remarkable precision, surpassing traditional techniques such as frequency filtering. The tool achieves this by automatically identifying the various components of a song and then dividing them into separate tracks.

Splitter is trained on a large database of songs that have already been divided into instrumental and vocal tracks. This enables the tool to produce much more accurate results than traditional methods, although the quality of the results may still depend on the quality of the original recording. Furthermore, Splitter’s user interface is intuitive, making it easy to use, even for individuals without any background in music production or signal processing.

However, Splitter does have some limitations, notably its inability to handle songs with numerous overlapping sounds or layers, such as some electronic music productions, as this can make it challenging to differentiate between the various components of the audio.



Audacity has some tools and techniques for separating vocals and music in a song, but they are not as precise as specific tools like Vocal Remover or Splitter. The program uses frequency attenuation and filtering techniques to remove or reduce background music, leaving the voice in the foreground.

Separating voice and music with Audacity may require some expertise and experimentation to obtain satisfactory results, since the quality and complexity of the original recording can affect the accuracy of the outcome. Overall, Audacity is better suited for general audio editing and production, such as cutting, mixing, and mastering audio tracks, rather than precise vocal and music separation. However, it is still possible to achieve some level of separation with Audacity.