The 3D Printed Lamp Made with Orange Skins

3D printing has been a novelty in our lives that allows us to manufacture practically the object we want, even from our homes we can make 3D prints as long as we have the necessary infrastructure. Today there are many materials that can be used in a 3D printer, although generally the most common is plastic. However, the company Krill Design has gone one step further when it comes to manufacturing products using a 3D printer.

The company has taken orange peels to transform them into a 100% natural material and then use it to print a lamp that goes by the name of Ohmie. This lighting fixture is very efficient and is attached to a base that is also made in a way that has not polluted the environment.

3D Printed Lamp Made with Orange Skins

The orange peels, keys

The choice of this fruit to make this product is simple: this company is Italian and in this country the production of oranges is quite high. In addition, your skin has a chemical component that helps create an element that has a lot of resistance.

A total of 7 initial sketches were needed to find the final model, since the most complex thing was to hold the heavy part of the lamp and make it stay stable and not fall. In fact, the company ensures that another of its most curious characteristics is the smell that the device gives off, thanks to the material from which it is made.


This material could be used by anyone to print any object they want, although perhaps the quality would not be the best, since in general 3D printers do not have the ability to print with a material that has been taken from a fruit. You could try and see the results, but it would be difficult to get an optimal result as the printer would not reach the required degrees Celsius when printing.

An innovative product

The Ohmie lamp can be reserved from July 5 for a price of 59 euros. The time it takes for the device to print is about two hours and next to it a USB connection or an LED light is sent that is already pre-installed, in order to save the customer any type of installation process.


Krill Design wants to launch more products on the market using this peculiar material, orange peels. In addition, the company does not end its innovation there and its next objective is to make different furniture with coffee, although this is only being designed and no model has yet been created.