Xiaomi: Methods to Enter Safe Mode

Whenever on our site we talk about the problems that arise in the day-to-day life of our mobiles, it is very rare that the famous Safe Mode does not come to light as one of the possible solutions. For this reason, we are going to take a look at how to enter this mode from Xiaomi phones.

Xiaomi: Methods to Enter Safe Mode

Do not forget that no matter how well our mobile works, problems or failures can appear at any time. Therefore, it is good to have at hand the method to activate Safe Mode, which in many cases will allow us to discover the origin of the problem. It is known that some downloaded applications can cause problems on our phone . These failures can occur in multiple symptoms, but the most common are crashes, crashes, or too slow performance.

What does Safe Mode do?

Remember that Safe Mode is an alternative method of starting the operating system. By doing so, the system loads without any third-party applications and processes that we have been able to activate and that may be causing a malfunction. By doing so, we can uninstall applications and restart, repeating the process until we find the software that is guilty of the malfunction. When starting in Safe Mode, the performance should be optimal, unless there is a hardware problem that must be solved by a visit to Technical Service.

How to activate it

In order to activate Safe Mode on Xiaomi phones we have two different methods , depending on whether we will do it with the mobile on or off.

Xiaomi Reiniciar en modo seguro

With the mobile on

If we are with the mobile on, what we will do will be a restart in Safe Mode. To do this we will have to press and hold the shutdown button until the “Shutdown” and “Restart” options appear. Then we choose the option “Shut down” and press it until a pop-up window appears. Within this window we can select to restart the device in Safe Mode, by pressing “OK”.

With the mobile off

If for other circumstances, our mobile is off or we have consciously turned it off, we will have to turn it on again with the power button and then release it . When the letters of “Xiaomi” appear, we must press the volume button down and wait for the mobile to turn on without stopping pressing it. Then we will see some letters that indicate that Safe Mode is activated, so we can release the volume button.

Exit Safe Mode

Exiting Safe Mode is as simple as restarting your terminal on a regular basis. That is, we will have to leave the power button pressed and click on “Restart”. When you turn on the system again it will have started in normal mode and we can check if the problems that made us enter Safe Mode have disappeared.