WhatsApp will delete your account if you are caught using these applications

Despite the fact that over the years both Meta and when WhatsApp was independent have only released a single official application for individuals, other Plus, Premium variants and other clones have always ended up appearing there that promised unofficial features.

Now Meta wants to toughen its measures against these WhatsApp application alternatives and will begin to persecute those who use a couple of unauthorized apps, possibly blocking your account permanently.

WhatsApp will delete your account if you are caught using these applications

WhatsApp chases two clones

Many people do not use the official WhatsApp application and instead download WhatsApp clones such as WhatsApp Plus and GB WhatsApp to their mobile phones despite not being the official version of the company, mainly due to the news they contain and that the original app does not offer by default or it takes months to implement.

For example, WhatsApp Plus has more emojis and more backgrounds available, with a more complete interface. In addition, the limit for sharing files in WhatsApp Plus is larger, reaching 50 MB without losing image quality.

Clones WhatsApp

As for GB WhatsApp , it stands out for the possibility of disconnecting the Internet connection only for the application, hiding the conversations in a secret menu or programming the sending of automatic messages. In short, GB WhatsApp has some advantages when it comes to privacy and WhatsApp Plus in appearance. Therefore, the choice depends on the preference of the user.

In addition to being a possible entry point, since they are not applications that you can download from official digital stores, and even though they appear to be harmless applications, they can cause you serious problems. For example, Meta can permanently lock your account if you keep using them, and in the worst case, they could be infected with viruses.

The risks of using an unofficial application

In addition to the risk of losing your account or being banned, using these apps poses a security risk. Both GB WhatsApp and WhatsApp Plus use the source code of WhatsApp without the permission of their owners, so they are unofficial clones .

This is the main reason why they are not in Google Play Store or Apple Store and need to use other repositories for download . It is also not possible to find updates through Google Play Services as they are not supported versions.

In fact, it increases the risk of finding a rogue version, a malicious clone of the official clone, since not only the first installation, but also all updates to new versions must be done manually, increasing the risk of having to access unknown applications and not sure

Because of this, there is a risk of being restricted by WhatsApp and losing the account . After all, Facebook is still likely to track usage and will proceed to identify this account, blocking its usage whenever possible.