What Types of Viruses are There and How Can We Protect Ourselves

When we surf the Internet we can find many threats that can affect our computers. Commonly called this virus . There are many types, and each of them can affect you in a different way. In addition we can also protect ourselves with different tools and methods. In this article we are going to talk about the most important varieties and of course what to do to avoid being victims of this problem.

What are the main types of viruses

As we say, there are many varieties that we can find. Some of them are better known and more present, while others may go more unnoticed. In any case, we must always protect our security and avoid problems.

What Types of Viruses are There


One of the types of virus that we want to show is the one known as Resident . Its mission is to hide in the memory of the computer and from there infect any file that is running on the system.

Keep in mind that this variety could even be within the antivirus itself, so it could infect any file even if it is scanned. It is a major problem.


A polymorphic or polymorphic virus is one that uses a polymorphic engine to be able to change its own code, although it maintains the original algorithm without change. Change only part of that code.

As we can imagine, this prevents an antivirus from detecting the threat. At least you reduce the chances by constantly changing. When an instance is known to the security tools, when changing they could not find it.

Virus that infects files

Another variety are viruses that are designed to infect files . They are usually attached to executable code, such as computer games or a word processor.

This threat can spread to other files or even other devices connected on that network. This happens if they use those files or programs that have previously been infected.

Virus informático

Browser hijacker

A browser hijacker , also known as browser hijacking, is the type of virus that affects our browser. Its objective is to modify the configuration of this program without the user’s permission and in this way to inject unwanted advertising or even steal information from the victim.

This is something that can affect all types of browsers. Some of the most popular are Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, but it is something that is present on many occasions.

Macro virus

One more type of threat is what is known as a macro virus . They are mainly files that pretend to be text documents. They have a series of instructions to attack the victim’s computer.

Generally, this type of file asks us to enable macros, so we must be alert and make sure that the file is really reliable or not.

Boot sector virus

This type of threat generally spreads through physical means , such as a USB memory stick. Its purpose is to modify or replace the boot code. Once the user restarts that computer, the virus loads.

It is one of the threats that we can find on the network and that could seriously affect the proper functioning of our systems.

Multipartite virus

One last variety we want to show is that of a multipartite virus . This threat attacks boot sectors and executable files. In case it affects the boot sector, simply by turning on the computer it will run.

Multipartite viruses can also infect computers multiple times and in very different ways.

How to avoid these types of viruses

As we see, there are different varieties of computer viruses that can affect us in one way or another. Generally, protection measures will protect us from all of them. It is important that we take into account some recommendations that we are going to show.

Security tools

Having a good antivirus is going to be very important. There are many varieties of security software that we will be able to install on our systems. They protect us from the varieties of malware that could compromise us.

This is something that we must apply regardless of the type of device or operating system that we are using. We have both free and paid options.

Have updated equipment

Of course it is also very important to have the equipment properly updated . There are many vulnerabilities that we can have in systems and devices and it is always advisable to have all the patches installed. We are talking about keeping the programs and tools we use updated, but also the firmware of the devices to prevent attacks and viruses from affecting us.

Beware of external memories

We have seen that some varieties of viruses can infect through external memories like a simple pendrive. It is essential to be careful with these types of devices and thus prevent possible attacks.

We must be careful both when using a memory that they have lent us, without really knowing if it may have a virus or not, as well as when we go to a foreign computer and put our own pendrive.

Malware a través de un pendrive

Common sense

Lastly, common sense . Most threats require user error. For example, download a malicious file, install a program or, ultimately, make a mistake in order to attack.

We can therefore say that there are different varieties of viruses that can attack in very different ways. It is convenient that we always take into account these security tips that we have mentioned to prevent attacks.