How to Use Two Headphones on Realme Mobile (Cable and Bluetooth)

Realme‘s mobiles in all their price ranges are very focused on a young audience, which generally devours multimedia content. In addition, the RealmeUI layer gradually matures, offering advanced functions that allow you to enjoy its benefits even more. One of these options remains hidden from the naked eye, but it is one of the most interesting, since it allows you to share the phone’s audio with another person, while both are listening with headphones.

Use Two Headphones on Realme Mobile

Having your own customization layer allows you to play with more options than those initially contemplated by Android. For this reason, realme decided to separate more from OPPO and leave ColoOS aside, to launch RealmeUI based on Android 10 . This new version is gradually reaching all terminals of the brand, although it already comes standard on all new models.

realme buds wireless

What is dual audio for?

The Dual Audio function, is a function thought for two people can listen to the audio of the mobile and thus see a movie together during a trip or listen to the same music. This option allows one person to listen to the audio through a Bluetooth headset and the other through a wired headset or even the phone’s own speaker. In this sense, the possible combinations are:

  • Bluetooth Headphones + Wired Headphones
  • Bluetooth Headphones + Mobile Speaker
  • Wired Headphones + Mobile Speaker

How active

To be able to activate Dual Audio on your mobile with RealmeUI, you have to go to Settings and enter the Bluetooth section and pair a Bluetooth headset. Then we will have to go back to Settings and go down to the end to select “Realme Lab”. Now we will see the Dual Audio option, but it will be disabled, until we connect the wired headphones.

realme lab

Once both devices are connected, we will see the option that enables dual mode, we just have to touch to make it active. We will also see a list of devices, which we will have to check to enable audio on them.

How does it work

Once we have connected both headphones and the Dual Audio function is active, it should be noted that the device that is connected by Bluetooth will only receive multimedia audio from the device. However, the user connected by cable will be considered, as it were, the main user, since they will also be able to manage incoming calls and the sounds of other notifications that may occur while the function is active.