Top Science Apps for iPhone and iPad

If you are a fan of science, whether as a hobby, profession or studies, you should know that in the App Store you can find numerous applications focused on this subject. From tools that help you on a day-to-day basis to being able to have fun with the different games that also exist. We show them below.

Learning with the iPhone is possible

Although it may seem impossible, it is possible to learn without being in front of a textbook. Today there are many applications and games that aim to be educational and offer the necessary resources to study or simply to work in the first case. From knowing the parts of the human body to having information about the parts of a human body can be learned thanks to the App Store and its collection of apps focused on science.

Top Science Apps for iPhone and iPad

This can be conceived as a new learning model especially in the youngest. Studying a long text is not the same as telling you the same thing in an animated and interactive way. This is what the applications and games that we show you below are after.

The essential science apps

3D Human Anatomy & Disease

3D Human Anatomy

Explore the entire anatomy of the human body thanks to this application. In this way you can understand health and the human body in general. All anatomical structures are real in 3D and the models can be subjected to different medical conditions. You can even dissect different parts to gain access to the inside of a brain or liver. This application is suitable for both professionals and students.


Lab Hacks

In the day-to-day laboratory many tools are needed when conducting experiments. This application allows you to have access to a dilution calculator, buffers creators or solutions that are typical in the different research sessions. That is why it becomes the best application for anyone who works in the laboratory with the objective of verifying calculation or being much more productive.

Developer: Roman Rauer



Reinforce all your knowledge about physics thanks to this application with a multitude of exercises. You will be able to see the step-by-step development of all the resolution that you must follow to obtain the final result. In addition, it also has a very good form so that you can perform all your exercises on a day-to-day basis and even research work without having to consult a thousand books which formula you should apply.

Periodic table 2021

Tabla periodica 2021

In the case of chemistry, everything is based around the periodic table. With this application you will not have to go consulting the books to have all this information. Because it is well known that the table is not only limited to showing all the elements that exist in nature but also different data such as atomic weight or melting temperatures. All this is collected in this application that despite being simple is also very complete.

Physics Laboratory

Enter a virtual laboratory focused on physics to perform different experiments working with different circuit components and building 3D circuits with high reality. In addition, this improves substantially using ArKit technology since you can have the entire circuit mounted on your own table.

Laboratorio de física

Entertain yourself with these science games

As we have commented previously, in science you can also allow yourself to be open to fun and that is why we find some games that are focused on this topic.

Hi Score Science

Hi Score Science

Enjoy with all your friends thanks to this trivia focused on science. The repertoire that is included is quite extensive, touching different different sciences such as biology or physics. At the end of the game, the person with the most correct answers will win. Although, you can also play just to demonstrate your skills in these topics.


Using real NASA technology, you must try to populate a planet that is totally deserted. All these planets have biospheres that are modified in accordance with all the data that NASA has. In this way you can have information about planets that are real and know a little more about the universe.