This Windows update affects VPN and remote desktop

Keeping everything up to date is important to correct errors and avoid problems that affect security. However, these updates can sometimes fail and compromise the operation of the equipment. This is what has happened with the new recent updates of Windows Server , which cause failures when using a VPN or remote desktop . We are going to explain what it consists of and how it affects users.

New versions of Windows Server create problems

This Windows update affects VPN and remote desktop

The latest updates to Windows Server have not worked as well as they should. Issues are being reported affecting both VPN and remote desktop usage through Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS) servers.

We can say that RRAS is a native Windows service that allows additional TCP connectivity and different routing functions. This is essential for remote desktop over a VPN.

Microsoft recently released different security updates that are part of the June patches. It is common and we are used to it. In fact, to be protected on the network it is convenient to install these updates. But of course, in this case it has caused this problem that we mentioned. Specifically, it is about the patches Windows Server 2019 2012 R2 KB5014746, Windows Server 2019 KB5014692, Windows Server 20H2 KB5014699 and Windows Server 2022 KB5014678.

After installing these updates, many Windows administrators reported problems. Those bugs were easily fixed once they uninstalled the updates they had recently installed. One of the biggest issues is that servers freeze for several minutes when a client connects to an RRAS server with SSTP.

Problema con la actualización de Windows Server

Loss of connectivity

The vast majority of reported issues have in common the loss of connectivity through remote desktop and VPN to servers with the RRAS service. This happens right after installing those Windows Server updates we’ve mentioned. From that moment the problem begins.

Fortunately, the solution is very simple. All users have to do is uninstall those updates . At the moment Microsoft has not provided an alternative solution to these connectivity problems. The only way is to remove security updates.

Is it a good idea to remove updates? Keep in mind that it is not possible to delete the updates one by one, but all of them form a single large update . This means that we are going to be able to solve this connectivity problem, but at the same time we would be eliminating security patches that are going to protect our equipment.

Hopefully Microsoft fixes this connectivity issue and you don’t need to do without security updates. If in your case it does not affect you when using VPN or remote desktop, our advice is not to remove the updates and keep them. In case they affect you, you will have to uninstall them to be able to use it correctly. Of course, you must be aware of future changes that are launched from Microsoft and add them as soon as possible.