Solution to Error 0x8007017C: The Cloud Operation Is Invalid in Windows

Solution to Error 0x8007017C

Our way of working has changed a lot in recent years. Until not long ago, files were still sometimes shared on USB sticks. The trend today has changed and it is normal to have folders in the cloud that we share with our co-workers. However, on some occasion you may one day receive an error message 0x8007017C in which you tell us that the operation in the cloud is not valid. In this tutorial we explain the possible causes of this failure, and in addition, we will also offer you the most appropriate solutions to solve the problem.

This problem usually happens when you have different work folders set up on your computer or on multiple devices. The failure occurs when trying to synchronize files in Windows 10, when we receive the message of a failure, in this case we refer to error 0x8007017C.

Causes and solutions for error 0x8007017C

Generally, one of the causes that produces this error is when we have activated the function of access to the file on demand. Another possibility that can cause this failure is if we have the Windows update KB4592449 installed on our Windows 10 PC. If we have this problem, then a message will appear with a screen like the following one, in which it indicates that the error has occurred. error 0x8007017C.

As you can see, it is indicated that the operation in the cloud that we want to perform is not valid. Regarding the KB4592449 update, it should be noted that it contains a change in the application programming interface (API) that causes work folders to not be able to synchronize files from the server to the device. Therefore, in the event that we want to solve this failure, we must check these two possible solutions:

  1. Uninstall update KB4592449.
  2. Proceed to disable the on-demand file access feature.

Next, we will explain how to perform both tasks in order to permanently get rid of the 0x8007017C error.

Uninstall Windows update KB4592449

Previously, we had already identified this Windows update as the culprit for the cloud sync error. Therefore, to solve it we will proceed to uninstall it. For this we are going to follow these steps:

  1. We go to the start menu.
  2. We write search for updates and click on Enter.

Next, we will get a screen like this, and click on View update history :

Here we will see a list of all the updates that Windows 10 has installed:

The next thing we have to do is check if the KB4592449 update appears in the history. If so, we will click on Uninstall updates .

Then we look for it again and proceed to uninstall it.

Disable “on-demand file access” feature

One thing you should know is that to solve the 0x8007017C error problem by disabling the on-demand file access function, we can do it in two ways. The first one we’re going to cover is using the local group policy editor. To carry out this operation we will follow the following steps:

  1. We are going to press the Windows key + R to bring up the run window. Another option would be Start Menu, we write run and give Enter.
  2. We type gpedit.msc and press Enter again.
  3. Once the local group policy editor is open, we select User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Work folders > Specify work folder settings .
  4. Then we disable Preference for access to files on demand and we click OK .

This is a screenshot in which you can see how we have disabled this function that caused the error 0x8007017C:

Now we will explain the second way to disable the on-demand file access feature. This time we will do it as follows:

  1. We go to the Windows menu.
  2. We write control panel and give Enter.
  3. We click on System and Security .
  4. Work folders .
  5. We unchecked the checkbox to enable file access on demand.

With these steps, you can definitively solve the error 0x8007017C that occurs in Windows 10.