Jump Rope Challenge: The Rope Game for Nintendo Switch

With the idea of making things a little easier at home, Nintendo employees decided to bring to life a free game for the Switch that would serve as a distraction in the middle of quarantine, while allowing us to exercise. Thus was born Jump Rope Challenge , a fun and simple game that has achieved all kinds of records.

Jump rope with Nintendo Switch

Jump Rope Challenge

The idea was very simple. Grab your joy-cons and jump as if you were holding the ends of a rope. With extremely simple graphics and gameplay limited to our ability with virtual jump rope, the game began to accumulate downloads all over the world.

Such was its success in the middle of the pandemic, that the numbers of the application began to skyrocket, to such an extent that now Nintendo has ensured that they have managed to exceed the figure of 2,500 million jumps if we add those of each user who played the application.

The daily jump rope challenge

Jump Rope Challenge

Can you jump rope 100 times a day? That is the basic proposal of the Jum Rope Challenge , also allowing the player to increase the number of the daily goal to improve their physical performance. The results of each day are recorded so that you can see your progression of the last weeks of training.

An idea with an expiration date

When Nintendo posted the application on its eShop, it announced that it would be available until September 30, and the original idea was for the application to become a temporary distraction tool for the months of confinement. However, the company seems to have changed its mind, as the official Nintendo America account has announced that the game will not be removed from the eShop.

The simplest games are the most addictive

This is one more example of how an extremely simple game becomes a success. What began as an experiment after an afternoon of programming has turned into a real collective challenge that unites millions of players around the world.

It may not be the most complete sports application and the graphical interface boasts of having been designed in a few minutes, but the idea works, so much so that Nintendo has had to back down and maintain it out of respect for users.

Where can you download the jump rope game for Nintendo Switch?

Jump Rope Challenge

To get hold of the game you will only have to visit the eShop and look for the game called Jump Rope Challenge. And be careful, because you will have to be prepared for physical activity, or otherwise your calves could be affected with a good muscular overload.

How many jumps can you do without stopping? As expected, the internet has been filled with crazy and impossible challenges to overcome, as is the case of this boy, who has achieved the figure of a thousand jumps in a row without rest. It is not a particularly striking record, but surely more than one would have it difficult to overcome it. Don’t you think