Huawei: How to Remove the Colors that Appear in Applications and Icons

In our site we see how sometimes, the problems that seemed such, end up being configuration settings or options activated by mistake. That means that we can breathe easy, since in a few steps we can make our mobile work as we want. Within these “fictitious” problems, Huawei phones can show strange colors on their screen.

Huawei How to Remove the Colors

Sometimes it is difficult to identify the origin, since our terminals and customization layers such as EMUI, have more and more options, and sometimes hidden within menus and submenus that are not within reach with the naked eye.

Why do colors appear in apps and icons

Something that can be the strangest thing is when colors appear around the screen or around an icon. In this sense, we can see a red, green, orange or blue box on the screen or around an icon. Let’s take a look at the possible adjustments that are causing this anomaly.

Strict mode enabled

This mode allows our mobile to identify when applications are working strangely and causing the system to operate slowly. In this way, a flashing red box will appear around the screen when these applications are detected.

To check if it is the cause, we will have to open settings, click on Compilation number seven times in a row until the phrase “You are now a developer” appears. Now we return to the Settings screen, enter Strict Mode enabled and turn off the selector.

movil huawei color en pantalla

It can be the Magnification gestures

When this option is enabled, tapping the screen three times will enlarge the image and an orange frame will appear on the screen. To restore the original size of the image, we must press the screen another three times. To prevent it from happening again, we will have to enter Settings and access Magnification gestures and disable the function.

Turn off Talkback

If this function is activated, we will see a green box around an application icon . In that case, we will have to press the icon twice to open the application. We can disable the mode from Settings / TalBack and deactivate the switch.

If it doesn’t work

It is more than likely that taking into account the previous settings, our Huawei will show itself again as usual, but if not, we may have some other problem with the screen, which implies a deeper hardware failure.