How to Install Kodi on an LG Smart TV: A Complete Guide

The Kodi multimedia platform is a versatile and powerful solution for streaming content, and it can be easily installed on a variety of devices, including LG smart TVs. If you own an LG TV that runs on webOS 4.0 or higher and is not older than the 2018 models, you’re in luck—your TV is compatible with Kodi.

Here’s a detailed guide to help you install Kodi on your LG smart TV without any hassles.

kodi lg tv

Compatibility Check

Firstly, ensure that your LG TV is compatible with the installation. It must be a model from 2018 onwards that operates on webOS 4.0 or higher. This compatibility is essential for a smooth installation process.

Step-by-Step Installation Process

  1. Register as a Developer on LG’s Website: Start by creating a developer account on the LG website. This is a straightforward process where you will need to provide basic information and set up login credentials.
  2. Download and Install the Developer Mode App: Navigate to the app store on your LG TV, search for the Developer Mode app, and install it. This app is crucial for enabling developer settings on your TV.
  3. Log in and Enable Developer Mode: Open the Developer Mode app from your TV’s main menu and log in using the credentials you created. Select ‘Dev Mode Status’ and allow the TV to restart if prompted.
  4. Activate Key Server: After the restart, reopen the Developer Mode app and ensure the ‘Dev Mode Status’ is activated. Also, activate the ‘Key Server’ to receive a Passphrase and an IP address, which you should note down.
  5. Install Dev Manager Desktop on Your Computer: On your computer, download and install the Dev Manager Desktop program from the provided GitHub link. This software will help you manage device connections and installations.
  6. Connect the TV to Dev Manager Desktop: In the Dev Manager Desktop, add your LG TV as a new device. You will need to input the IP address and Passphrase you noted earlier from the Key Server.
  7. Download Kodi for webOS: Download the latest version of Kodi that is compatible with webOS from the official Kodi website or a reliable source.
  8. Prepare to Install Kodi: Open the Dev Manager Desktop, click on ‘Install’, and select the downloaded Kodi file.
  9. Finalize the Installation: Proceed with the installation of Kodi on your TV by following the prompts in the Dev Manager Desktop. This will complete the installation process.

By following these detailed steps, you can successfully install Kodi on your LG smart TV, transforming it into a powerful media center. This process is legal and safe, ensuring you can enjoy a wide range of streaming content without compromising the integrity of your TV system.

Final Tips

  • Always ensure your TV’s software is up to date before starting the installation.
  • Check the version compatibility of Kodi with your TV’s webOS version to avoid any installation issues.