How to Delete Old and Unnecessary Windows Drivers

As you already know, a computer is made up of different hardware components connected together that make up a whole. In this way we can get much more out of all this when they work, for example, in the Windows operating system , and its programs.

These elements that we refer to here are as important as the motherboard, processor, RAM , graphics, etc. All this, as a general rule, is integrated into the PC itself once we buy it, or we can assemble it on our own. But be that as it may, some of these elements that we comment on are essential for the PC to function in the best possible way.

How to Delete Old and Unnecessary Windows Drivers

To all this we can add the components that with the passage of time and use, we add additionally. On the one hand, there are the usual mouse and keyboard that we connect if they are not integrated into the same computer. We may also add a printer, a webcam, external drives like USB sticks, etc. As you surely already know, all of this allows us to get the most out of the equipment and the software that we use in it.

What are drivers or drivers in Windows

But of course, if we focus on the generic components that we have talked about here, to say that there are many types, manufacturers and models of each of them. That is why, in order for the corresponding operating system, generally Windows , to recognize them, some important elements come into play. It is precisely about which we are going to talk to you in these same lines, we refer to the drivers or controllers.

Controladores Windows

These are small pieces of software that are responsible for achieving communication between the hardware components and the operating system itself. As a result, this makes the whole set work as it should. Of course, although Windows has many of them that are called generic, in most cases it is better to use the originals of each manufacturer . But of course, something that we must bear in mind is that over time the Redmond system keeps saving files for these drivers that we are talking about, which are no longer useful.

This happens even more when we install many peripherals to the same PC, and then remove them and use new ones, for example. This is extended to USB memory drives, mice, printers, etc. Therefore, the corresponding drivers for each of them take up considerable space on the hard disk unnecessarily.

So, in the event that we are running out of space or want to clean up these pieces of software, let’s see how to achieve it. And you have to know that we can delete the backup copies of drivers as well as those that have become outdated without any problem. then we show you how to release. That is why we are going to show you below how we can do this in different ways.

Delete drivers from Windows Cleanup

For example, for this that we discussed we can use the function called Disk Cleanup that Windows implements. To do this we just have to write the name of it in the system search box.

Liberador espacio

Then a small window will appear on the screen in which we choose the drive to clean, in general we opt for drive C. In this we usually find Microsoft‘s own system installed. Thus, after a few seconds in which the unit is analyzed, we find another window that shows us several entries. Here we will see the temporary files, the Recycle Bin , the DirectX cache, etc. At the same time, if the system has backup copies of the drivers, we will see an entry called Device Driver Packages, which is the one that interests us.

Paquete controladores

Then we only have to mark this option that we are commenting on, and these useless drivers that we are talking about will be eliminated.

Remove old drivers using CMD

As we mentioned before, as we use different hardware devices on the same computer, their corresponding drivers are saved on the PC. This only takes up space unnecessarily, which by the way is usually quite valuable for most computers . Well, it is worth mentioning that this cleaning task that we are talking about, we will be able to carry out from the command line or CMD of the system.

To do this, the first thing we do is write the CMD command in the Windows search box and run the Command Prompt with administrator permissions. We can do this by simply clicking on the entry with the secondary mouse button.

Abrir CMD

First of all we must bear in mind that these drivers, which are already out of date, are usually hidden in the Device Manager. Therefore, in order to see them, we will have to execute the following command in the CMD window that has just been opened: Set DEVMGR_SHOW_NONPRESENT_DEVICES = 1.

Delete drivers from Device Manager

Then, once it has been run, the next step will be to go to the Windows Device Manager. We will find this by right-clicking on the Start button of the operating system . From the list of elements that will appear, we will see the one that interests us in this case, where we click.

Here we are going to see all the devices with their respective drivers installed. At the same time and semi-transparent in color, we find those that are not being used and only take up disk space. Of course, we recommend that at the same time we go to the View menu and activate the option to Show hidden devices .

Administrador ocultos

To locate the controllers that could be considered as useless and that only take up space, as we say these will have a more transparent tone than the rest. Then all we have to do is right-click on each one that we want to delete with the right button. Among the options that then appear, obviously here we opted for the call Uninstall the device.

Desinstalar dispositivo

In this way, what we achieve is to eliminate the drivers or drivers associated with it in one go. Of course, this is something that we can repeat as many times as we want with the hardware elements that we do not use and that are in principle hidden.

Remove drivers with third-party programs

On the other hand, we can also use third-party solutions for this type of task that we are discussing, remove drivers. That is why below we are going to propose some examples that can be very helpful in this regard.

  • Driver Fusion: this is a program focused on these tasks that you can download from this link . In addition to helping us to eliminate them, the software will allow us to keep them updated at all times if we wish.
  • Driver Magician: here we find another complete solution focused on working with Windows drivers. It allows us to carry out a multitude of tasks with these elements, including their elimination. It is a program that we can download from here .
  • Driver Sweeper: on the other hand we find this software for the elimination of drivers that is responsible for deleting all the leftover files of this type. To get hold of the program, you can do it from its official website .