How to delete instagram account from mobile

There comes a time when each and every one of us matures and is forced, for personal reasons or outside pressure, to shut down Instagram . Did you know that doing it is so simple that you can do it from your mobile?

If you have already thought about it enough, before you process to close the social network account, you may want to download all the photos and videos that you have uploaded to the application and consider other possibilities. There is an option in the service that, before canceling your account forever , allows you to disable it in case at some point in the near future you want to recover it.

How to delete instagram account from mobile

How to download all your Instagram content

Even if you already have the intention of deleting your account, it does not hurt to make a backup of all the data, that is, photos and videos that you have uploaded to the application throughout your life. Remember that deleting an Instagram account is a definitive permanent process and everything will be deleted, so this is a good time to review and save all data before taking the step.

To download the content, you must do the following:

  1. open instagram
  2. Access your profile
  3. Top right, displays the context menu
  4. Go into Settings
  5. Click on Your Activity
  6. At the bottom, click on Download your Information
  7. A link to the content will now be created and sent to the email address you provide

descarga datos Instagram

You will probably be given the option of what type of file you want to create. There is an option to choose HTML or JSON and we recommend using the former as it is supported by a web browser. JSON is a structured data format that is useful in certain situations when importing to another service.

After completing the process, the request will be processed by Instagram, which could take up to 48 hours . Within that time period, an email will be sent to you with a download link and additional instructions. You can download these files to your mobile or a computer, much more recommended because it will be a good amount of data.

Differences between deactivating and deleting your account

When you delete your account, your profile, photos, videos, comments, likes and followers will be permanently deleted (unless you recover the account in less than 4 weeks, as you will see in this article). That’s why it’s also important to know that there is a second, less damaging option, as you can choose to take a break and temporarily deactivate your account instead . If you temporarily deactivate your account, your profile, photos, comments, and likes will be hidden until you reactivate it by logging back in.

Of course, this cannot be done from the application. You can only deactivate your Instagram account from a computer or mobile browser.

Access and log in to the account you want to disable, then you have to click on the profile image that appears in the upper right part of the browser window and select Profile in the menu that appears. Now you must click on the Edit profile button to, at the bottom, locate the option to temporarily deactivate my account .

desactivar cuenta Instagram

By clicking on this button, as you can see in the image above, we will be asked the reasons why we want to suspend the social network account. Choose the one you want, then re-enter your profile password. This will hide the account within a period of around 24 hours, making it appear that the account has been deleted in the eyes of any user.

The advantage of doing it this way is that it’s much faster than deleting it and it’s easier to re- enable the account whenever you want by simply logging in again . Also, you can repeat this process as many times as you want.

Now yes, delete the Instagram account

You can only delete your Instagram account from a web page, and not from the app that we all have installed on our mobile. However, since we all have a web browser installed on the smartphone, we can remove all traces of the social network from the phone .

If you have already thought about it enough, these are the steps to follow to say goodbye to your social network account forever:

  1. Open your browser and open the settings to select the desktop version (if you don’t, you will always be redirected to the Instagram app)
  2. Once done, Sign in to the web version of Instagram . Of course, if you have more than one Instagram account, make sure you’re logged into the account you want to delete.
  3. Go to the Delete your account page. Please note that there is no menu option to easily access the account deletion page. To get there, you have to follow the link that we leave you.
    eliminar cuenta instagram
  4. From the dropdown menu in the Why you want to delete your profile section, select the reason you want to permanently delete your Instagram account. You will be asked for some additional information, depending on the option you select.
  5. Re-enter your Instagram password.
  6. Click the Delete your account button.

eliminar cuenta instagram

Out of the box, your account will be immediately hidden from anyone’s view as if you had deactivated it and will be permanently deleted 30 days later , including all photos, likes, followers and comments associated with your account.

Can it be recovered?

We have already repeatedly encouraged you to deactivate, rather than delete your Instagram account forever in case you regret it after a while. Luckily, if you’ve deleted it, and it hasn’t been too long, you can still get it back .

To get all your content back, you have to log back into your account up to a month after deleting it to reactivate it. It is very important that you meet this deadline, as if you do not log in within the first 30 days after you hit the delete button, your account will be permanently deleted. Which is why we remind you how important it is to save any personal pictures or information you want to keep before your account is lost forever.


Alternatives to not delete your account

Maybe if you’ve come this far it’s because some users are bothering you or, directly, you don’t want some of your contacts to see what you publish, either for work or personal reasons. Regardless of your reasons, you have the option to block other users or make your account private so that you control its visibility.

User blocking

If the idea of deleting an Instagram account is based on unwanted interactions from other users on the network, blocking those accounts could be an alternative solution to make Instagram a comfortable place of entertainment again. When an account is locked, the account owner will not be notified . You will simply remove that account’s ability to see the posts you make, and any past and future interactions will also be nullified.

There are several ways to do this, but the easiest way is to go to the profile of the account to be blocked, touch the three dots in the upper right to see a list of options and select Block.

bloquear instagram

Make your account private

By default, all Instagram accounts are public, that is, anyone can locate you and see your posts. But if you want, you can make it private so that only followers you’ve approved can see the content you share , including your videos or photos on tag or location pages and your followers and followed account lists.

Whether your app works on Android or an iPhone, here are the steps to get it done:

  • open the app
  • Tap on your profile picture at the bottom right
  • Now open the context menu at the top right
  • Enter the Settings menu
  • Tap on Privacy.
  • Click on Private account so that it is no longer public