How to Change the Mobile Data Network on the iPhone

Properly configuring the mobile data network on the iPhone is a fundamental point to obtain the best possible user experience when using this device. For this reason, in this post we want to tell you everything you need to know about it, as well as the different configuration forms available on your mobile data network.

Change the Mobile Data Network on the iPhone

Networks that an iPhone can access

One of the technologies that has changed over the years is the network that different iPhones can access, so not everyone has access to the same types of mobile data networks. Then, depending on the iPhone model you have, you can check what types of mobile data networks you can access.

  • 2G networks
    • All iPhones.
  • 3G networks
    • iPhone 3G and later.
  • 4G networks
    • iPhone 5 and later.
  • 5G networks
    • iPhone 12
    • iPhone 12 mini
    • iPhone 12 Pro
    • iPhone 12 Pro Max

iPhone 12 Pro

What does data roaming mean?

Data roaming or also known by the famous name “roaming” is the way devices have to connect to the internet using mobile data when you are out of reach of the network that you have contracted. This is especially important when you travel abroad since it will be the way in which you can connect to the internet via mobile data. In addition, depending on the place you are traveling to, this connection can be a significant expense, so we recommend that before making any trip abroad you check with your operator the roaming or data roaming conditions that you have with your current rate.

Usually, if your destination is within the European Union, you should not have any connection problems or extra expenses in your data rate since the operators reached an agreement not to charge their customers these extra costs for using the network mobile data abroad. However, this is not the case if you travel outside the European Union, so we once again place special emphasis on contacting your operator to be clear about the options you have to access the internet via mobile data when traveling outside of your country.

Obviously, the data roaming of your iPhone is a parameter that you can activate and deactivate whenever you want. Here are the steps you have to carry out in order to adjust this parameter as it suits you.

  1. Open the Settings App of your iPhone.
  2. Click on Mobile data and then on Options.
  3. Enable or disable Data Roaming based on your preferences.

Itinerancia de datos

Choose the data mode that best suits you

In addition to being able to configure the data roaming and the mobile data network to which you can connect to your liking, we will talk about this in more detail later, you can also choose the Data Mode that best suits your needs and above all, the use you make of the device.

Specifically, you have three different options or data modes. First you come across “Allow more data in 5G”, a mode that will provide you with higher video quality and FaceTime when the device is connected to 5G mobile data networks. The “Standard” mode will allow you to perform automatic updates and background tasks with mobile data, but limits the quality of video and FaceTime. Lastly, the “Low Data Mode” option reduces mobile data usage by pausing automatic updates and background tasks. To access this configuration, you just have to follow the steps indicated below.

  1. Open the Settings App of your iPhone.
  2. Tap on Mobile data.
  3. Click on Options.
  4. Enter Data Mode
  5. Choose the data mode you prefer.

Modo de datos

Our recommendation is that if you are a user who really does not usually make video calls with the iPhone, much less use mobile data for it, go to Standard data mode. In addition, if you have a reduced data rate, our recommendation is that values in cases can benefit you using the reduced data mode, since you will extend the life of the mobile data you have to connect to the internet enjoying a good speed .

How to navigate faster on iPhone

As we said, a correct mobile data configuration is vital for the iPhone to provide a great user experience and that is largely due to the browsing speed. There are many users who always want to enjoy the highest possible speed, however, that sometimes can cause excessive battery consumption and of course also the mobile data rate.

Next, we are going to tell you what are the steps you have to carry out so that your iPhone can navigate as quickly as possible. First, you will have to choose the highest speed network available on your iPhone, to do this, follow the steps below.

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Click on Mobile data.
  3. Click Options and then Voice and Data.
  4. Activate the option that gives you the highest connection speed.

Activar 5G

In the same way, it is also very important to choose the Data Mode that gives you the highest speed in all possible situations. To do this, follow the following steps.

  1. Open the Settings App of your iPhone.
  2. Tap on Mobile data.
  3. Click on Options.
  4. Enter Data Mode.
  5. Choose the data mode that gives you the highest speed in all circumstances.

Modo de datos

Can you tell the difference between 4G and 5G?

Surely at this point many users wonder if the difference between 4G and 5G is really substantial enough to significantly improve the user experience and the answer will depend on the type of 5G network existing in each area, but the reality is that there is a very big difference in terms of the experience that a user can have using one type of network or another.

To start talking about the differences between 4G and 5G networks, you have to start with speed, since 5G networks multiply the speeds of both downloading and uploading content by ten, this translated into real life means that the In fact downloading a high definition movie, with a 4G network it would take three minutes, while with a 5G network you only have to invest four seconds. Latency is another important point in this comparison, that is, the time it takes for the network to send an order to a device and for it to return a response to the sender. This is one of the great advantages of 5G since it is a basic point in many of the actions that are carried out every day. In this regard, 4G today achieves latencies of 100 milliseconds, while 5G does it in 1 millisecond.

These are the two main points regarding the difference that a user can have when using one network or another. However, there are many other aspects to take into account and that highlight the importance that the 5G network is going to have for society in the coming years.