Easily organize and delete old emails from Gmail

Email has become a vital tool in the day-to-day life of almost anyone, not only for work, but for almost anything that comes to mind. Keeping our mail well organized seems essential and necessary, even more so when we have had the same email account for many years. If this is your case and you have a Gmail account with emails for years, we tell you how you can delete your oldest emails in a few steps .

On the Internet, we can find third-party solutions that can help us delete old emails, but for that we have to give permissions that we may not want to give. Precisely, for people who do not want to give them, there is a very simple tool that will allow you to delete your oldest emails yourself.

Howt to filter your old emails

Gmail has a very powerful search engine that helps us to search for any email we want to find, either by content of the email or by the recipient. With it we could pick up and search for old emails that we know we have without deleting them in order to shelve them definitively, but it would be very tedious to do it manually , since it would take us a long time to find all the old emails that we have without deleting.

To do this, there is a way to filter our messages and be able to find those that already have a certain age in our inbox. It is true that Google does not provide us with any specific tool so that we can delete old messages, but with what we are going to teach you, it is really not necessary. First, what we will have to do is once again go to the search bar, but instead of typing, we will have to click on the button that is just to the right inside it.

This button that we tell you will allow us to select filters so that only the emails that interest us appear on the screen. We can filter both by origin, by destination, by subject or even by some words that said mail may contain.

Gmail mail filters

As you can see in the image that is just above these lines, another filter that we can add in Gmail to search is a date range. If, for example, we want to delete the messages that are more than a year old in our mailbox, we just have to enter the 1 year option in Date Range , while in the other we can go back even further to delete more messages. old.

Use this shortcut to delete old emails

If this way of deleting messages also seems somewhat complicated to you, there is one that we can use and that is significantly simpler. Although the way to create a filter for our mail is the previous one, there is a command that we can write in the search bar that will directly throw us the old mails. This command or rule, which is called ” older_than “, will make your job even easier.

If, for example, we want to delete the messages that are 6 months old or older, we will only have to write “older_than: 6m” in the search bar and, automatically, we will receive on the screen all the emails that are that time or older. Once we have all the old emails on the screen, touch the moment to delete them .

To do this, we will first press the select button that is on the left side of the screen and then the message that will appear in the center and that indicates Select all the conversations that match this search. Once selected, we will touch the trash can and they will be sent directly to it. The emails will remain there for 30 days so that we can recover them if we want and if not, they will be automatically deleted after that time.