Download Star Wars Battlefront 2 for Free from the Epic Games Store

The weekend is approaching and if you are not sure what you are going to do or what you could play if you do not intend to go anywhere, do not worry because we are going to propose an idea that is difficult to reject: download Star Wars for free: Battlefront 2 from the Epic Games Store.

Star Wars: Battlefront II Celebration Edition

Download Star Wars Battlefront 2 for Free

Epic’s video game store remains unstoppable when it comes to giving away games. For months we have been able to do it completely free of charge with titles that despite being some years old are still highly recommended to play.

The last one he is giving away is even more so, because it is one of the most important in the Star Wars saga. Or, at least, that’s how many fans of both the saga and the FPS ( first person shooter) titles will see it . We mean Star Wars: Battlefront 2 .

Epic Games Store is giving away the video game developed by Electronic Arts and Dice Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Celebration Edition. This is a special edition that gives access to the different DLC that were released for the game, such as the one in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. That additional content adds the ability to play with more recent and popular characters for those who have just known Star Wars like Rey or File Ren. In addition to offering new maps and even new game modes.

However, for those who do not yet know what Star Wars: Battlefront 2 is about, this is a first-person shooter video game that you can enjoy playing online in multiplayer mode and against other players as if it were a Call of Duty combat or Battlefield -not in vain it shares a developer with the latter-, and also through a campaign mode that although it is brief will make you enjoy the universe of Star Wars.

Regardless of the way you want to enjoy it or if you plan to do it later, you should not miss this great opportunity to get this game completely free. And if you’re not quite convinced yet, take a look at the trailer and you’ll see how quickly you change your mind.

In addition, right now it may not be the most popular shooter, but surely it also helps you to disconnect a little from those that currently more users move. And as we said before, Star Wars: Battlefront 2 comes from the same developers as Battlefield, so there are guarantees of quality.

How to download Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Celebration Edition for free

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Celebration Edition is free to download through the Epic Games Store and the process to get hold of it is just as simple as at other times. So if you have already done it before, you will not have any problem and if not, we review the necessary steps:

  1. The first thing to do is go to the Epic Games Store website and create a user account if you don’t have one.
  2. Once you have your user account, log in through the different options it offers
  3. Inside the store, scroll until you see the list of free games and in it Star Wars Battlefront 2
  4. Click on the title and then hit the get button
  5. You will not have to enter any credit card information, just accept and you will have the game forever in your possession

As you can see, taking advantage of the offer or gift that Epic Games makes is very simple. The only thing that you should keep in mind is that it will only be available until next January 21, 2021 at 5:0 0 p.m. Therefore, you still have a few days to get hold of it, but don’t forget it or you will regret it. .