Deep Web: what are the risks and how to be protected

When browsing the Internet we can suffer very different computer attacks. For this reason, it is always advisable to know what the risks are and know how to act. But there are certain circumstances that can cause that risk to be greater. In this article we are going to talk about the dangers of accessing the Deep Web , how we can be attacked and we will also give some tips to improve protection at all times.

What is the deep web

Deep Web: what are the risks

We can say that the Deep Web or the deep web is the part of the Internet that does not appear visibly when we do a search. That is, if we enter Google or any similar search engine, we will not be able to find content that is in this area of the network. They can be forums, web pages, services to host content…

It is also known as the invisible Internet , precisely because it is not directly accessible. But keep in mind that not everything here is illegal, nor is it dangerous. In fact, most of the content does not appear in search engines because it corresponds to hidden documents, private files (for example, what we store in the cloud), information from public entities with restricted access, etc.

But there is a part within the Deep Web that is known as the Dark Web . And that’s where the problem begins. In fact, it is where we are going to suffer cyber attacks in case of being victims of any problem. There are forums there to negotiate the buying and selling of credentials and passwords, malware, weapons, drugs…

It is in this part of the Internet where you have to be careful when browsing , since it is especially dangerous and we can be victims of many types of attacks. We could download a virus by mistake, expose personal data that ends up in the wrong hands, give information that can be used against us, and a host of other problems.

Therefore, we can say that the visible or superficial Internet is the one we find in Google. They are web pages indexed in the main search engines, such as this article. Instead, all the content that is left out and is not indexed is what is known as the Deep Web. To enter we will have to use special tools, such as the Tor browser.

Risks of entering the deep web

We are going to talk about what are the most important security risks in case you decide to enter the Deep Web, especially in sections of the Dark Web. Your personal data, the proper functioning of your equipment and even the information of third parties may be in danger and should be prevented.

download malware

The first thing is that you can end up downloading malware without realizing it. This will happen if you enter a forum where malicious software is exchanged, for example. You can click where you shouldn’t or simply download a file that you thought was a legitimate program and it turns out that it has been maliciously modified.

Basically, two things must be differentiated here: you may download malware advertised as such and end up exploiting yourself, or you may download a file that you think is safe, that is nothing more than a program, but that an attacker has modified precisely to scam.

Ataques de malware de firmware

Expose personal data

You can also put your personal data at risk . This can happen if you register in a Deep Web forum, if you post a comment or give some type of information when entering a web page. This is going to cause your privacy to be compromised and you will have important problems.

Keep in mind that personal data has a great value on the network. Attackers can find a way to collect information and then sell it on the Internet, on the Deep Web. Therefore, they will try by all means to attack you, cause you to make a mistake and thus collect your personal data. They could even impersonate your identity.

Enter fake pages

An ever-present risk when accessing the Deep Web is ending up on a fake page . This is a major problem, since a cybercriminal can create websites with the intention of pretending to be legitimate and thus being able to steal personal data, passwords and, ultimately, compromise the security of those who visit them.

This can lead to a classic phishing attack. Basically we are going to enter through a link in a deep web forum and it takes us to a page that pretends to be a social network, a bank page, etc. The problem is that everything we send is going to end up in the hands of a cybercriminal. This includes the username and password.

Being linked to illegal activities

If you enter Dark Web forums you can end up linked to illegal activities even if you have not really done anything. At the end of the day you can leave a trace, you can leave some personal information. In these types of forums data is exchanged, viruses are sold and there are illegal activities of all kinds.

Should someone’s name end up exposed or involved in any way, it could lead to them being linked to those illegal activities. One more problem, despite the fact that there is really nothing illegal.

Put third parties at risk

All this that we have explained can not only put the person who enters the Deep Web at risk, but also third parties . For example to members of a company, other users who are connected to that network or who use the same equipment. They could see malware getting into their systems or personal data being exposed.

Therefore, accessing the hidden part of the Internet can have a negative effect on third parties as well. One more reason to be careful and avoid exposing more information than necessary or making mistakes.

How to avoid problems

We are going to explain what to do to avoid being victims of attacks on the Deep Web or seeing how our personal data ends up in the wrong hands. We are going to give a series of interesting tips that you can put into practice to always increase protection and not fall into the trap.

keep common sense

First and foremost is common sense. It is essential not to make mistakes . For example, do not expose personal data in Deep Web forums, do not download files without really knowing what they are about or do not enter web pages that are not guarantees and where we are required to provide certain information.

Most attacks on the network will require the interaction of the victim. They are going to need us to make some mistake, so it is going to be essential to maintain common sense and avoid any unnecessary risk.

Have security programs

Of course, another very important factor is having security tools . A good antivirus is going to be essential to be protected on the net and this also includes browsing the Deep Web. There are many programs that you can use for this. An example is Windows Defender itself, but also other solutions that exist both free and paid.

Whichever you decide to install, you need to make sure that it works properly and is going to protect your data well. Otherwise, you could be the victim of a wide variety of attacks and that could put your personal data and the operation of your computer at risk.

keep everything up to date

A vital point is to have everything correctly updated . In this way we can solve many vulnerabilities that may appear. If you enter the Deep Web and mistakenly download a file that exploits a Windows security flaw, if you haven’t corrected it, you can expose data and compromise its proper functioning.

If you want to update Windows, what you have to do is go to Start, enter Settings and go to Windows Update . All the files that are pending to be installed will appear and you will be able to count on the latest improvements.

Actualizar Windows 11

You should do this process periodically, to always make sure you have everything up to date. You must apply it to any operating system you use and also programs that you have installed. Only in this way will you be able to keep the equipment working properly at all times and avoid risks.

Use only official apps and websites

If you are going to install any programs or you are going to log in through a web page, you must make sure that they are official. You should always download software from legitimate sites and not from third-party pages where they have been able to sneak a maliciously modified application with the aim of stealing data.

This is especially important if you are going to log in from a Deep Web page. There are social networks that have a version to access from the Tor browser, but you must always do it safely and not from links that could be a fraud and really be a Phishing attack.

In short, as you have seen, entering the Deep Web has certain risks. It is imperative that you always take precautions and keep your equipment protected. Only in this way will you avoid cyber attacks and have your data properly protected, in addition to avoiding attacks that may affect third parties.