Android: Why Can’t Open Images and How to Fix it

Our Android mobile is full of images. Added to all the ones we do with the cameras are the ones we receive via WhatsApp and the ones we download ourselves from social networks or the multiple screenshots we take. All these images should be seen without problems in the gallery of our mobile, but sometimes it is not.

Android: Why Can't Open Images

Not being able to open the images is frustrating. This problem manifests itself in different ways since the photo can be opened in black or not directly open. Android forums, whatever brand they are, are full of users who report these problems. Luckily, in most cases it is solved with some simple adjustments, since it is mainly due to software problems that we can solve quickly and easily.

How to make images open again

Close the app and erase the data

Whether it is the default gallery of our mobile or a downloaded application to view the photos , we may need to restart it to get it to work properly. For this we open the menu of recent applications and slide to close the gallery. Before opening it again, we will have to go through the “Settings” and click on “Applications” now we look for the photo application and tap on “Clear data and cache” Once done we should be able to open the app and the photos without problem

Close all apps

Sometimes the problem may be due to a lack of resources in the system. Too many applications in the background can impair the performance of some apps. We will have to press on the menu of recent applications and close all by sliding with your finger. In this way we will free up processing memory so that the photos can be seen again.

cerrar apps oppo

Google Play Services

Something that usually works and that Google itself recommends is to delete the data from Google Play Services. For this we go to Settings / Applications and search for Google Play Services, which may also appear as Google Play Services. Once inside, click on “Storage” and tap on Delete data. Then we restart the mobile and test again to see if the photos are displayed correctly.

Free up space

Many mobiles live on the edge of space. This can cause system errors, many of them related to opening files and therefore displaying images. Also, it prevents new temporary thumbnails from being generated and may cause restarts in the gallery app.

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If we are in this space situation, it is more than likely the cause of not being able to open the images. The solution is to delete a large file from the system, game or video. We can also carry out a cleaning process in “storage” . After freeing up space, the images should display correctly.

Try another gallery

It is very common to go crazy with system settings, when the problem may be in the app itself that shows us the photos. The best way to get out of doubt is to download an alternative gallery to see if the photos are displayed correctly. In Google Play we have dozens of them, so just below we leave you with a link so you can choose one of your liking.

apps de galeria en Google Play 01

Do you see them on the computer?

It is the acid test. Something more tedious since it requires having a laptop or PC, in addition to the data cable. We will have to connect the mobile to the computer and select the file transfer method. Once inside we enter the folder of the images that we have problems to see and we will proceed to try to open them with the viewer of the PC.

Update app or system

Updates are always important. We have seen on many occasions how these manufacturers’ patches fix known bugs with system apps including galleries. Therefore, we must check in the Settings / System Updates menu, that there is no pending for our mobile.