A Robot Recycles Plastic and Turns It Into Filaments for 3D Printing

Plastic recycling is considered one of the biggest problems in terms of pollution. This material is one of the most polluting in the world because it takes many years to decompose. However, many companies are working to try to solve this problem.

There are millions and millions of tons in the ocean that all they do is damage the ecosystem. The famous artificial plastic island in the middle of the ocean is known to everyone. We must work to ensure that these types of events that are so harmful to our planet do not happen again.

A Robot Recycles Plastic and Turns It Into Filaments

New alternative to recycle

The JRT3D company has been commissioned to manufacture an automatic robot whose function is to recycle plastic and turn it into filaments. Its operation is simple: you just have to push the plastic through a slot in which there is a cutting edge that is responsible for cutting the plastic into thin sheets.

The machine is divided into two parts : a first where the cuts of the plastic are made and a second where this material is driven and brought to a sufficient temperature so that it can be extracted without causing any disaster.


Although that system has certain limitations. It does not have an automatic system that allows it to grab the plastic and carry out the rest of the work on its own, but there must always be a person physically holding the plastic and once the conversion is finished, take a new plastic, put it in the robot and continue with the process.

Improving the environment, the key

This technology is similar to other existing robots that contribute to improving the environment such as machines that are made with recycled batteries or robots that are placed in the pipes that detect if excessive and unnecessary use of water is being made to cut the water. supply.

Currently this robot is being sold for a price of $ 400 in a company that gives the possibility to companies to start inventions that have to do with plastic recycling. According to the person who invented the robot, he will soon launch a Kickstarter campaign to raise money to make it easier to manufacture his creation.

Recycling plastic not only benefits the planet and its environment, but it can also be used for reuse or as a new material from which new items can be manufactured or used as a source of fuel. It can also be used to manufacture products for the chemical industry.

Source> interestingengineering.com