5 tricks to save electricity if you use your computer to work from home

Although it is not the device that consumes the most, without a doubt the computer can represent an important part of the electricity consumption each month. It is a device that can be on for many hours, especially if we work with it. What can we do to save energy? In this article we are going to give 5 tips to try to spend less electricity and thus save on the bill each month.

Tips to save electricity with the PC

5 tricks to save electricity if you use your computer

Whether you use a laptop or a desktop, you can save energy if you use it correctly. Sometimes small changes can add up to big savings when we use it day in and day out. Even if we change some personal habits we can reduce what we consume when using this device.

Adjust screen brightness

Simply by adjusting the brightness of the screen you can save electricity. This does not mean that you have a much lower consumption, but in the end it is an important part of the expense and over time it can lead to savings. You do not need the screen to be at maximum brightness except in certain circumstances such as a laptop outside in the sun.

Especially in some moments, such as even if you are just listening to music from your computer while doing other things, you can turn the brightness to a minimum or turn off the screen. This will help you save.

Turn it off if you don’t use it

Of course, whenever you don’t use the computer, it’s a good idea to turn it off to save money . This is something we don’t always do. For example, if we’re working or studying on the computer and we’re going to eat, maybe we’ll leave it on because we’ll be back in an hour and it won’t take long for it to start up again.

However, today’s computers start up and shut down very quickly. It should be turned off whenever it is not necessary to keep it on. This will help us save electricity and we will spend less on the bill.

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Disconnect devices you don’t need

Do you have other devices connected to the computer? Keep in mind that anything you plug in is going to consume power. For example, an external hard drive, a pen drive, a Wi-Fi network adapter… Anything is going to be using computer resources to be able to function and that is going to incur a cost.

If you are not going to use that external hard drive, pen drive or Wi-Fi adapter, it is a good idea to disconnect them. When you need them, simply plug them in and go. This will help you save and avoid wasting resources.

Keep the computer in good condition

It is also important that you have the computer in good condition . By this we basically mean a couple of reasons: to keep it from getting dirty and to keep malware out. On the one hand, the dust can make the fans not work properly and they need to activate more than necessary to dissipate heat. That will inevitably cause you to have higher electricity consumption.

On the other hand, if there is malware on the device, it will also mean higher consumption. Especially some types of malicious software, such as hidden cryptocurrency miners, can take advantage of system resources to overwhelm the processor.

Use an efficient monitor

This is especially important if you use a desktop computer. The screen is a key piece in saving electricity . They are not all the same, far from it. An old screen is not the same as an LED one. The ideal is to have one that is efficient and thus be able to save electricity every month when using the computer.

Choose a monitor with guarantees that works well, but also consumes little electricity. You can inform yourself before buying it and choose one that helps you save on the bill each month.