5 Notepad features you didn't know were there

At the moment in which we start a new installation of Windows from scratch, from the outset, we find a series of pre-installed programs. Some of them are more or less new, while others have a good number of years and versions of the system between us. This is the case of the popular Notepad that most of you will surely have used on many occasions.

Among these programs that we mentioned, we find a calculator, El Tiempo, OneDrive , Alarms and clock, Mail , etc. At the same time we find a couple of text editors, one more complex and complete than the other, being the aforementioned Notepad the simplest solution of this type that we can use. Actually, it is a plain text editor that we can use for multiple tasks. From taking your own annotations, to creating long documents, generating our Powershell scripts.

5 Notepad features you didn't know were there

If there is something that really characterizes this software solution that we are commenting on, it is its simplicity. Thanks to this we have the possibility of editing our own texts without any complications, without distractions, and with minimal resource consumption. But at the same time we find a series of functions that will help us in these tasks. Despite the simplicity and facilities that it shows us, the Notepad has some features that we may not have known about.

It is precisely all of this that we want to talk about below in order to get the most out of this small and useful text editor. In this way, on many occasions we will be able to avoid the use of more complex and even paid programs thanks to this simple solution.

configurar bloc de notas

Useful Notepad Features

Despite its intuitive user interface and concise menu, this is a text editor that can be very useful for many uses. More if we take into consideration some of the somewhat more unknown functions that the application offers us natively. Next, we will show you some of the most interesting:

  • Format and size of fonts : Although it may not seem like it, this editor allows us to completely change the default appearance of the fonts that we use here. In this way we can change both the font, the font or the size.
  • Online searches : in the same way we have the possibility to mark certain terms and search for additional information about them on the internet. This is something we achieve from the Edit / Search with Bing menu option.
  • Time and date : just by pressing a key, F5, automatically on the screen and in text mode, both the current date and time will be added to the document. this will be useful for report-type documents or journals.
  • Orientation and margins : as in other more advanced text editors, Notepad allows us to give our document an orientation, vertical or horizontal, in addition to customizing the margins.
  • Headers and footers : from the File / Page Setup menu option, we can add both footers and headers to our documents in this program.