4 reasons why you shouldn't have a video doorbell at home (and 4 why you should)

4 reasons why you shouldn't have a video doorbell at home

Should I or shouldn’t I trade my old doorbell and peephole for a video doorbell ? All home automation devices have their advantages and also their drawbacks. In today’s article we show you four points for and four against. In this way, you can decide if this product will solve your life or if it will complicate it a little more.

In favor of the video doorbell

mirillas que tener en cuenta

These are the 4 most interesting points that practically any video doorbell will bring you:

No more curious neighbors

If you live in a building full of onlookers, a video doorbell is just what you need to ward off “Radiopatio”. Very few will dare to put their ear to your door if there is a camera pointed at them.

Less sharp than a peephole

The peephole of all life is easy to use and very cheap. But discreet has very little. The one on the other side of the door knows if you have looked or not because it can be seen and heard. You’re not fooling anyone. If you then decide to open, fine. But if you don’t, the truth is that you look terrible.

With the home automation version, this does not happen. You don’t have to go near the door. You don’t have to reveal that you’re home.

Night vision

Let’s go back to the peephole of all life. If the person who has knocked on the door has not turned on the outside light, it will be absolutely useless. In this case, the video peephole will be useful – in case it has infrared recording , available in most of the models currently on sale.

Watch your house wherever you are

Does someone call your house when you are not there? Are they planning to break in? With a video doorbell you can find out. Motion sensors activate and start recording activity when someone approaches our door. Therefore, we will know if someone is planning something, if they have knocked on our door or if we were out at the time they did not go to make a delivery.

Against the video doorbell

Ring Video Doorbell Pro 2

Let’s go now with the bad news. What’s wrong with mounting a video doorbell on my front door?

One vulnerability and you’re sold

It is not usual, but you have to put this in the equation. If someone manages to hack your video peephole, the thieves will have more advantage than you, since they will be able to disable your device and it will be worse than having nothing.

False alerts

Motion sensors are not foolproof. If you have any at home, you will have noticed that they activate from time to time for no apparent reason. Well, exactly the same thing happens with the peephole. In some cases, it will give you a ghost alert.

Beware of privacy

You already know the consequences that putting a camera to record in a common area of a building can have. Some neighbors could get upset and report you. You must notify him and consult the rules of your community before taking the step and placing a security camera.

They can be stolen or damaged

It’s not common, but having an expensive piece of technology outside our house can be a magnet for thieves and vandals alike. In the United States there have been cases of theft of video door entry systems. And, if someone wants to bug you, breaking it will also be an option. Keep that in mind before installing anything.