
Sure you have heard about iMessage many times but you may never have understood how it works or if you are going to be charged for using it.当然,您已经多次听说过iMessage,但是您可能永远都不了解它的工作方式,或者是否需要为使用它付费。 In this article we will tell you everything you need to know about iMessage to be able to use it in the best possible way.在本文中,我们将告诉您有关iMessage所需的所有知识,以便能够以最佳方式使用它。


iMessage是 Apple拥有的即时消息服务,本机集成到消息应用程序中。 这项服务的目的是阻止发送SMS或MMS的内容,这些内容最终消失了,但许多竞争对手出现了。 iMessage的操作与著名的应用程序(例如, WhatsApp 或电报,尽管有一些限制。


先验iMessage是完全免费的,但仅限于拥有苹果计算机的两个人。 也就是说,在任何情况下都不能通过此服务将消息发送给具有以下功能的手机的用户: Android 已安装。 在这种情况下,该消息将作为传统的SMS发送,并根据合同规定的费用收取相应的费用。 无疑,这是该服务所面临的重大问题之一,也是许多国家很少使用该服务的原因。 相反,在美国,由于较高的市场占有率,它是最常用的消息传递服务之一 iOS 有。


要在 iPhone,则必须激活它并分配电话号码。 显然,拥有一个Apple ID帐户也很重要,该帐户将成为消息到达服务的通道。 要执行激活和配置,您只需遵循以下步骤:

  • 输入iPhone设置。
  • 访问消息部分。
  • 激活“ iMessage”的第一个选项。
  • 单击“发送和接收”,然后选择接收iMessage和回复的所有方式。


您可以选择 邮箱地址 与Apple帐户和电话号码关联的地址。 这是至关重要的,因为他们将可以使用此电子邮件或号码与您进行通信。 如果您想稍微保证隐私并希望避免陌生人打来的电话,则只能选择配置电子邮件。


As in other messaging services, iMessage also gives the option of sending messages both in individual chats and in group chats.与其他消息服务一样,iMessage还提供了在单个聊天和群聊中发送消息的选项。 The way to send is extremely simple since you simply have to enter the chat where you want to send a voice message and just where you enter the text message on the right you will see an icon with different lines in parallel.发送方式非常简单,因为您只需要在要发送语音消息的地方输入聊天,而在右侧输入文本消息的地方,就会看到带有不同行的图标。 Clicking on this icon will start recording and you will be able to speak freely.单击此图标将开始录音,您将可以自由讲话。 If the message you are going to record is long enough, you can always swipe to the top to activate the audio lock to avoid having to press and hold the screen.如果您要录制的消息足够长,则可以随时向顶部滑动以激活音频锁定,而不必按住屏幕。 When you finish recording, you can click on the square that stops the recording.完成录制后,您可以单击停止录制的方框。


From iOS 13 onwards Apple introduced the possibility of sharing both the name and the profile image when composing a new message through iMessage.从iOS XNUMX开始,Apple引入了在通过iMe​​ssage编写新消息时共享名称和个人资料图像的可能性。 This is something that can be seen present in the vast majority of similar services and here it could not be missing.在绝大多数类似服务中都可以看到这一点,在这里不能错过。 To be able to change the image you simply have to follow the following steps:为了能够更改图像,您只需遵循以下步骤:

  • 打开消息应用程序。
  • 点击左上角的“编辑”。
  • 转到“编辑名称和照片”部分。
  • 输入要在服务中标识的名称。
  • If you do not have an image assigned, you will see how a person's profile appears in a circle at the beginning.如果未分配图像,则将看到人的个人资料在开始时以圆圈显示的方式。 By clicking on this you can choose an image from your gallery and even add a custom emoji.通过单击此按钮,您可以从图库中选择图像,甚至添加自定义表情符号。


From this moment when entering a conversation it will ask if you want to give the necessary permissions so that the person with whom you will speak can view the profile image and even the profile name.从进入对话的那一刻起,它会询问您是否要授予必要的权限,以便与您交谈的人可以查看个人资料图片,甚至是个人资料名称。 We already know that privacy is vital to Apple and that is why these security measures are always appreciated.我们已经知道,隐私对Apple至关重要,这就是为什么人们总是赞赏这些安全措施的原因。


Starting with iOS 14, Apple gave the option to pin the conversations most important to you at the top.从iOS XNUMX开始,Apple可以选择将对您最重要的对话固定在顶部。 In this way you will always be able to access them quickly, being able to be individual chats or group chats.这样,您将始终能够快速访问它们,成为单独的聊天或群聊。 To set up a conversation, simply follow the following steps:要建立对话,只需执行以下步骤:

  • 打开消息应用程序,然后单击“编辑”或“更多”按钮。
  • 点击“编辑图钉”。
  • 找到您要修复的对话,然后单击黄色背景图钉代表的“修复”按钮。

fijar mensajes iMessage 信息

From that moment, at the beginning of the application, different balloons will appear where the profile image of each person will appear.从那时起,在应用程序开始时,将出现不同的气球,每个人的个人资料图像将出现在该气球中。 At any time by following these same steps, it is possible to revert the setting in the event that there is a conversation that you will not enter in the future.通过执行以下相同步骤,可以随时恢复设置,以防万一将来您不会进入对话。


There always comes a time when the presence of many messages in a conversation can end up overwhelming anyone.总有一段时间,对话中许多消息的存在最终会淹没任何人。 That is why it is possible to delete messages or an entire conversation but you must assume that you can never recover it.这就是为什么可以删除消息或整个对话,但必须假定永远无法恢复的原因。 To be able to eliminate it, you simply have to follow the following steps:为了消除它,您只需执行以下步骤:

  • 输入对话,然后按住要删除的气泡。
  • 单击将出现的垃圾桶图标,以便该消息从线程中消失并且无法恢复。
