
我们安装在其中的驱动程序 Windows 用于PC组件的是用于正确操作设备的基本软件元素。 但是,这些消息并不总是像我们希望的那样正常工作,因为我们现在要告诉您,在发送错误消息时会出现错误 NVIDIA公司 .

如您所知,这是 图形部门 全世界。 因此,他们必须特别小心提供给用户的所有硬件和软件。 好吧,我们告诉您所有这些信息,因为目前我们提到的公司NVIDIA已经发布了一些我们应该安装的安全更新。 这样做的原因是,它们解决了许多非常严重的漏洞,这些漏洞是 GPU Windows中的显示驱动程序。



为了让我们了解我们的意思,请说这些 漏洞 could lead to remote code execution.可能导致远程执行代码。 They also cause an increase in permissions in the system, disclosure of information and denial of service.它们还会导致系统许可,信息泄露和拒绝服务的增加。 Hence the importance of all this and its dangerousness.因此,所有这些的重要性及其危险性。 Thus, all NVIDIA-fixed GPU driver bugs require因此,所有NVIDIA修复的GPU驱动程序错误都需要 本地用户 access.访问。 In other words, attackers will have to first take over the systems to exploit these vulnerabilities that we are commenting on.换句话说,攻击者必须首先接管系统,才能利用我们正在评论的这些漏洞。

Once successful, attackers could take advantage of security flaws by remotely installing malicious tools.一旦成功,攻击者可以通过远程安装恶意工具来利用安全漏洞。 They could also run code designed to attack these newly fixed issues on devices running out of date NVIDIA drivers.他们还可以在过期的NVIDIA驱动程序运行的设备上运行旨在攻击这些新近解决的问题的代码。 It is also worth mentioning that the new security updates also serious bugs in the NVIDIA Virtual GPU Manager.还值得一提的是,新的安全更新还严重影响了NVIDIA Virtual GPU Manager中的错误。 These can lead to denial of service, remote code execution, and information disclosure.这些可能导致拒绝服务,远程执行代码和信息泄露。 You should also know that the aforementioned problems affect Windows-based computers.您还应该知道,上述问题会影响基于Windows的计算机。


由于上述所有原因,通过利用这些 漏洞, attackers can increase their permissions without the need for user interaction.攻击者无需用户交互即可增加其权限。 They also allow you to execute malicious code, as we mentioned before, and temporarily disable non-patched equipment by accessing sensitive information.如前所述,它们还允许您执行恶意代码,并通过访问敏感信息暂时禁用未打补丁的设备。


现在公司本身告诉我们这些 安全问题 have been resolved as part of the September 2020 security updates.已作为XNUMX年XNUMX月安全更新的一部分得到解决。 In turn, they let us know that the risk assessment is based on an average system risk, that is, it cannot assess or speak of real risks.反过来,他们让我们知道,风险评估是基于平均系统风险的,也就是说,它无法评估或谈论实际风险。 In addition, the specific configuration of each computer with NVIDIA components also comes into play here.此外,每台装有NVIDIA组件的计算机的特定配置也将在这里发挥作用。

尽管如此,此时最好的方法是将其更新到最新版本。 驱动程序 as soon as possible.尽早。 In this way we avoid problems and possible security breaches for our team with这样,我们可以为我们的团队避免出现问题和可能的安全漏洞 NVIDIA组件 。 At the same time the company claims that some users may receive versions 456.41, 452.11 and 446.29 of the Windows driver from their hardware vendors.同时,该公司声称某些用户可能会从其硬件供应商处收到Windows驱动程序的版本XNUMX、XNUMX和XNUMX。 These are starting to ship as of today.这些从今天开始开始发货。