探索替代方案:Shokz OpenFit 与 Apple AirPods

For many of us deeply entrenched in Apple’s ecosystem, venturing outside can seem daunting. Apple’s array of devices, including iPhones, Macs, and AirPods, integrate seamlessly, creating a user experience that’s hard to leave. Yet, the rise of competing technologies, like Google’s expanding product suite, prompts the question: Are we too cocooned in Apple’s world?


One such exploration led us to the Shokz OpenFit headphones, a potential alternative to the omnipresent AirPods. Many users find Apple’s AirPods less than perfect, particularly when it comes to fit and comfort during extended use. This is where Shokz OpenFit steps in, offering a unique listening experience through its open-ear design and bone conduction technology.

Unlike the in-ear AirPods Pro, the Shokz OpenFit are designed to sit just outside the ears, allowing users to stay aware of their surroundings while still enjoying their audio. This feature is particularly appealing for active users who engage in outdoor activities like running or cycling, where environmental awareness is crucial.

However, our testing revealed that while the Shokz OpenFit excels in comfort and environmental awareness, it falls short in noisier settings. Their open design struggles to block external noise effectively, proving less than ideal in bustling environments such as busy parks or loud gyms.

Despite these shortcomings, the Shokz OpenFit shine in quieter, controlled environments. They are perfect for home workouts or when you need to keep one ear on your surroundings. Yet, they don’t integrate as seamlessly with Apple products, lacking features like custom spatial audio and the superb synchronization that AirPods offer.

So, what’s the verdict after two weeks with the Shokz OpenFit? They are an excellent choice for those not fully invested in the Apple ecosystem or for those who prefer not to isolate from their environment. However, for Apple users who value integrated tech and superior sound isolation, the AirPods Pro remain unrivaled.

Transitioning from Apple’s ecosystem can feel like stepping into the unknown, and while alternatives like Shokz OpenFit offer some compelling features, they might not yet be a complete replacement for everyone. As the tech landscape continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how Apple responds to these emerging challenges. For now, though, whether or not to switch may hinge more on personal preference and specific use cases rather than outright performance superiority.