Windows XP Comes to an End with Nearly Nil Market Share in 2021

We’re just out of the complicated year 2020, and when it comes to PC operating systems, Windows 10 is by far in the lead. However, to get to this point, Microsoft has come a long way over the decades.

During this time, there is no doubt that if there are two versions of Windows that were hugely successful and are still well remembered for Windows, those are XP and Windows 7. But of course, time passes and technology advances, so these versions are left behind in time. But this does not mean that people forget them, they just become obsolete.

Windows XP Comes to an End

In this case we are going to focus on the aforementioned Windows XP , an operating system that occupies a deserved place in the history of technology books. This is a version released by the Redmond people that changed the way we worked on our PCs . At the moment we can say that XP was a very successful operating system, there is no doubt about it. In fact, despite Microsoft terminating it in April 2014, users were not yet ready to give up this software.

Windows XP is an operating system that changed the way we work

That is why Windows XP lived on for so many years after being abandoned and its official support withdrawn. And it is that many continued to use it despite the security risks when working with a system that does not receive updates or security patches . Some users implemented other security measures in an attempt to stay safe in Windows XP. On the contrary, others did nothing in this regard, so their computers became very vulnerable to possible external attacks.

Keep in mind that Microsoft provided support for Windows XP for 12 years, but the time came when it had to abandon it for good. From there, the Redmond people decided to focus their work on supporting other more modern technologies and more advanced versions of Windows. This is something that users were informed at the time, that is, the updates to protect Windows XP , were finished.

Windows XP

At the same time they warned those millions of users that using unsupported XP the computer will work but could become much more vulnerable. This is something that would directly affect the security of the saved data. It was also reported that Internet Explorer 8 was not supported here either, so its use further exacerbates these risks in the face of additional threats.

Windows XP can be considered as a dead system

Thus, more than 6 years after its official disappearance, Windows XP was still widely used, although its market share was gradually declining. We tell you all this because now, about to start the year 2021 , we could say that Windows XP is ready to disappear once and for all. This is basically because its market share has fallen below 1% according to the latest data.

Therefore most devices are already updated to a newer version of Windows. This is a minimal global use, so we could say that XP is already part of the history of technology in a definitive way. The reason why some people stick with Windows XP comes down to compatibility with certain very specific applications .