Windows 11 has a new problem… that has no solution!

Each update of the latest Microsoft operating system brings with it a significant string of operating problems. It has now been reported that after upgrading Defender in Windows 11 all shortcuts from start menu and taskbar are deleted . Well, Microsoft has said that there is no automatic way to restore them, you have to do it by hand.

Malfunctions and problems have been a constant since the launch of Windows 11. An operating system developed by Microsoft ad-hoc for Intel and its new processor architecture. So much so, that users with an AMD Ryzen highlight performance and operation problems.

Windows 11 has a new problem... that has no solution

New update, new problem

As indicated by Microsoft, in the 1.381.2140.0 update for Windows Defender, there has been a new problem. Apparently, what the company’s antivirus does “for security” is to remove the shortcuts from the start menu and the taskbar . The company has not provided information on the reason for this event.

Microsoft indicates that the problem is not only present in Windows 11, it is also present in Windows 10. It also indicates that the shortcuts cannot be restored automatically, it must be done manually.

After users install Microsoft Defender Security Intelligence Update 1.381.2140.0, the Start menu, app shortcuts pinned to the taskbar, and on the desktop may be hidden or removed.

Additionally, errors can occur when trying to run executable (.exe) files that depend on shortcut files. Affected devices primarily have the Attack Surface Reduction (ASR) rule “Block Win32 API calls from Office macros” enabled.

After installing Security Intelligence version 1.381.2140.0, the detections resulted in the removal of certain Windows Shortcut (.lnk) files that matched the bogus detection pattern.

Installing Security Intelligence Update version 1.381.2164.0 or later should prevent the issue, but will not restore previously deleted shortcuts. You will need to recreate or restore these shortcuts by other means.

Microsoft explains

The good thing is that this time the error is minor and it will only take us a little time to restore the shortcuts. Nor is it a problem that is affecting all users, only a few would be affected.

A few years ago something more serious happened and that is that after a Windows 10 update, some users reported that part of their files had been deleted. Luckily, this time only easily replaceable shortcuts are removed.

Start the year as I ended it, with problems

We must remember that in the Windows 11 22H2 update there were already many problems. That big update, above all, was focused on the optimization of gaming performance. The reality was quite different and that is that, after updating, the games had a bad performance or did not run.

Such was the uproar that Microsoft halted distribution of the update until the bug was fixed. And if we add up all the problems that have occurred, one wonders why it is necessary to remove this operating system. Something that we must also question is whether the “Insiders” program works, not so much on the users’ side, but on the company’s side, which often ignores the reports.