Will Flash and Batman team up in the future?

There is no middle ground. Either it’s a fake like a piano, or Warner Bros are going to have to review their confidentiality clauses carefully. Apparently, The Flash movie was shot between April and October of last year. However, it ended up being delayed, and it will not be released until June 2023. Now, a leak says that Ben Affleck’s Batman will appear in the film and he will not exactly make a quick cameo.

Will Flash and Batman team up in the future

Batman would have a lot of prominence in The Flash

We have a new soap opera with leaks. Now that things had calmed down after the premiere of No Way Home , the Internet conspiracy theorists have returned to the fray, but this time with the DC Extended Universe. That Batman appears in The Flash movie is something that does not surprise us too much. However, a Reddit user claims that Batman appears in the Flash movie for about 20 minutes of footage . According to this user, he has managed to attend a test screening of the film. At first, we could think that we are facing the typical standard troll of Internet forums, since these passes are usually very well measured and very important clauses are signed so that not a single detail comes to light.

The Reddit post shows six different claims about the movie with quite a bit of information. Everything could be part of the imagination of the creator of the post if it weren’t for the fact that the famous user ViewerAnon , one of the best-known leakers in the entire forum, took action in the comments. The user came to affirm that the third point was wrong, but that the second epigraph was as true as a temple. Literally, ViewerAnon says that it is not sure that Affleck will occupy the screen for 20 minutes, but confirms that with total certainty it will appear for 10 or 15 minutes. However, the famous leaker did not say anything else about the rest of the statements, so we do not know if he takes them for granted. In any case, we are not going to go into detail about the rest of the claims because if they were real, we would be spoiling the film from start to finish even a year before release.

So… Is there Affleck for a while?

With the arrival of Robert Pattinson , all seemed lost for Ben Affleck’s Batman. However, once we saw The Batman, it became clear to us that Pattinson’s Batman is much darker and more cultish, so he wouldn’t quite fit into the DC Cinematic Universe .

The ball returned to Affleck’s court. Would you be working to keep two Batman in parallel? For now, it seems that Affleck will have an important role in The Flash , although we are only talking about rumors. What is not at all clear is if he will wear the bat mask again after that premiere. The actor himself considered at the time that he had played the Dark Knight at a rather delicate moment, influenced by his sentimental problems and by the Zack Snyder tragedy, which forced his departure from The Justice League , thus causing a domino effect that led to that the end of the production was a disaster.