Where was Moon Knight during the events of Endgame?

Moon Knight may have become the most popular comic book character so far this year, with Batman’s permission, and even the most beloved by fans so far in Phase 4 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It is due to that love that many profess for the character that fans have been entrusted with the task of trying to track Marc Spector’s movements during all the events of the UCM. And, although the series tells us about some of these events (such as his traumatic childhood or his first encounter with the Egyptian god Khonshu), there is a very important aspect of the story of this superhero that only the most observant have been able to appreciate. Next we tell you what it is.

Where was Moon Knight during the events of Endgame

Where was Mark?

The question that has to be asked of any new character coming to a Marvel Studios movie or series is whether or not they survived Thanos’ snap. And in the case of Moon Knight we can say with joy? that the answer is yes. We find this crucial piece of information in a scene from the second chapter of the series, in which two followers of Arthur Harrow, the main villain that we are introduced to during the six episodes, arrive at Steven Grant’s house posing as government agents. He lets them in and they quickly begin to look for something specific that the viewer is unaware of. Then, Marc Spector’s passport appears on the screen.

That is when the key arrives because we observe in his passport that it has a Post Snap issue date, specifically December 14, 2018, thus confirming that our protagonist was part of that lucky 50% of the universe that managed not to be transformed into dust by work and grace of the click of Thanos, and that we all could see with a lot of amazement and terror in the great Avengers Infinity War . Had you noticed this insignificant fact?

The creators version

In addition to this direct reference within the series, the producer has also expressed how he thinks Marc Spector dealt with the five years of the Span. Despite the lack of official confirmation from the upper echelons of Marvel Studios, he believes that Marc would operate in a similar way to that of Clint Barton with his Ronin alias, acting as a kind of bloodthirsty vigilante who would dedicate himself to eradicating some how many thugs from the streets of his native London. Although Jeremy Slater continues to clarify that all this he tells us are assumptions without any confirmation.

Whatever Marc Spector did during the five years between Infinity War and Endgame , what is clear is that fans hope that this season will not be the only thing we see of this character in the future, begging for a second one that we can savor the year. coming on Disney+. Why not a solo movie where we see him take on more supernatural threats with the help of other superheroes?

And you? Want us to see more of Moon Knight’s adventures?