What is AppleCare + and Its Differences with AppleCare

When you have an Apple device that is not too cheap, it is always advisable to take out insurance in case something happens to you. From the Cupertino company they offer insurance called Apple Care +, much better than Apple Care insurance. In this article we tell you what each of the insurance covers and the main different ones that exist.

What is AppleCare +

Apple Care + is an extended warranty program offered by the company for most of the company’s products. It can only be contracted within 60 days of the purchase of the device in order to avoid contracting it when the equipment has already aged. To give you an idea, you can hire it on Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, iPod, Apple Watch and also on HomePod.

AppleCare Plus

This program stands out for covering accidental damage. Almost no insurance covers any breakage caused by the user as a fall. In general, the guarantees only cover factory defects in the hardware of the device. The only problem that may arise is that neither theft nor loss is covered by this extended warranty. These accidental damages have a small deduction that starts from the 29 euros for example on the iPhone with the breakage of a screen. The most common problems covered in this extended warranty is changing the battery or the screen, although you have to pay a little extra. Obviously, these out-of-warranty repairs have a rather high price, which are considerably reduced in the case of contracting Apple Care +.

As we have mentioned, it is important that the hiring is carried out in the first days after the purchase of a device. In any case, you should know that the legal guarantee offered by Spain continues to apply in the same way. AppleCare + is applied as additional insurance that complements the legal guarantee. But as we have said previously, this guarantee only aims to cover the damage caused to equipment in a way that is foreign to the user. If your screen breaks due to an iPhone crash, the warranty will not have any effect. This is where AppleCare + makes a lot of sense.

Differences with AppleCare, Apple insurance

As we mentioned earlier, AppleCare + covers accidental damage in exchange for paying a small part of the repair. This is something that is not covered by the simple Apple Care warranty. In these cases, you must always pay in full for all the repairs you want to make due to accidental damage. Obviously, problems arising from a hardware problem that is the fault of a factory defect is fully covered by this warranty. Two years are also covered with this guarantee to have both specialists and telephone attention.

Price difference

There is a clear difference in price and that is that Apple Care is cheaper than Apple Care +. This is obvious since the bonus that covers accidental damage in the end must be paid. But if you are a bit clumsy person it will certainly be worth making this extra effort.

Apple care Apple Care +
iPhone from € 99 from € 149
iPad from € 79 from € 79
MacBook from € 89 from 249 €
iMac or Mac Pro from € 89 from € 179
Apple Watch from € 65 from € 65
HomePod from € 45 from € 45
ipod touch from € 59 from € 59

In the event that you have to make a repair, the prices are as follows:

  • On iPhone it starts from € 29 for screen breakage and € 99 for other repairs.
  • At Apple Watch the repair starts from € 65.
  • The HomePod has a repair that starts from € 29.
  • The iPod Touch starts at € 29.

To give you an idea, iPhone screen repair can easily exceed € 100 as it is an OLED screen. In the other devices, a similar line is followed in terms of prices, and that is why it is very worthwhile to contract these types of plans. Unfortunately in Spain, the Apple Care subscription plan has not yet arrived, which greatly facilitates the payment of the extended warranty as it is much more leisurely.