Types of PowerPoint views and patterns to save time

The usefulness and functionality offered by Microsoft‘s multimedia presentation application, PowerPoint , has been unquestionable for years. But despite the time that many have been using this program, new modes of operation can still be discovered that will surprise us.

Surely many of you already know that this is a program that is part of the firm’s well-known office suite, Office . Its main mode of operation focuses on the design of multimedia presentations based on slides that we create. Obviously, the application allows us to use a multitude of objects and elements in addition to the text to enrich our projects.

Types of PowerPoint views and patterns to save time

Likewise, we can use templates and complements that will help us obtain much more attractive and impressive presentations . But at the same time we must take into consideration the facilities that the application as such offers us. The different views and patterns that PowerPoint proposes from its interface serve as a clear example of all this. That is precisely what we want to talk about below in order to improve your projects and work more comfortably with this software .

Here not only the elements available for the design of our presentations count, but also the way in which we can work, as we will see. We must bear in mind that on certain occasions we are going to find ourselves with a project made up of a good number of slides . This means that being able to manage these elements in the best possible way will be very useful to us. To access the views and patterns of the PowerPoint program, all we have to do is go to the View menu option that we find in its main interface.

What to use PowerPoint views and patterns for

Once we have located ourselves in the section that we are commenting on the program interface, on the left we find the different views that we can use here. Next, we are going to mention these work modes and the usefulness of changing the view depending on our needs.

vistas powerpoint

  • Normal : This is the view that we load by default and that allows us to modify the presentation and design it from scratch.
  • Outline view : It allows us to move between the different slides in a much more fluid way in outline mode. Allows the import of schemes from the Word text editor.
  • Slide Sorter – This view is used to organize these slides as it shows us a thumbnail of them.
  • Notes page : allows us to get an idea of how the presentation will be once printed on paper, including the notes that have been added.
  • Reading view: this view allows us to view the presentation in full screen, although from here we will not be able to make changes.

On the other hand, we find what are called slide masters in PowerPoint. This is already a useful function that we can customize to establish a series of automated elements for the slides. That is, patterns allow us to create a series of predefined designs for these elements. This way we will save time when using these created patterns in our projects.

Here we find three different types of patterns that we can create and customize to make them effective in our PowerPoint presentations. Let’s see what those guys are.

patron powerpoint

  • Slide Master – From here we can control the appearance of all the slides that make up our multimedia presentation. It allows us to set formats or add objects that will be automatically integrated into all these slides.
  • Of documents : this other pattern is used to customize the appearance that the presentation will offer as such once we have printed it on paper.
  • Notes pattern : in this case we can adapt the PowerPoint project before printing it on paper, including the notes that it integrates.