TikTok: How to Save All Your Video Recipes to Whisk

TikTok: How to Save All Your Video Recipes

The cooking recipes are, along with the dances and the viral on duty, one of the most successful content on TikTok. Many users end up hooked video video after video with all kinds of foods and desserts, usually quick and easy to prepare. Still, sometimes it is not easy to remember steps and ingredients, so TikTok has the solution so that you do not miss any more cooking recipes.

How to save TikTok cooking recipes

Recipes have always been one of the most easily viralized content on practically all types of platforms, from the web to video services such as YouTube or on social networks. In these last platforms, even more so if they are striking recipes, such as copious meals or those strange mixtures that for some reason or another end up attracting everyone’s attention.

In TikTok they are aware that this type of content is liked and therefore they have begun to experiment with a new function that will allow you to save all these recipes that you are seeing published by its users in video format. But you will not have to save the video and play it over and over again to go, little by little, following the steps or writing down the necessary amounts for each ingredient.

TikTok’s solution takes advantage of one of its integrations with third-party services, this time with Whisk . This platform or application is one of the most popular that exist to save and organize this type of cooking recipes that you can find online. So, what the short video platform will allow is to link the published videos to those recipes.

That is, when an account publishes a recipe video on TikTok, it can add a button to the video that, together with the text “See the recipe in full,” will allow you to open the corresponding Whisk page and access all the related information, from a brief or no description, the ingredients, quantities and even useful information such as the preparation and cooking time if necessary. What’s more, users will be able to link from Whisk to their own website if they have one.

Therefore, once this functionality is activated for everyone and not only for selected accounts, users who see a recipe on TikTok will also see a button to see it in full and save it. These will be the steps to follow:

  • Choose or watch a recipe video on TikTok
  • On the screen look for the Whisk icon that links to the recipe
  • Click on said icon and a window with the appropriate information will open
  • If you are interested, click on save and it will remain in your Whisk account
  • Clever

That is how easy it will be to enjoy cooking recipes on TikTok and have all the necessary information in Whisk to be able to carry it out when you feel like it the most. Of course, if they are taco-type recipes such as TacoBell, KFC chicken, etc., watch out and do not abuse it because your health and physical condition can suffer later.